Q and A


Can i change the time i take my ARVs?

I take my ARVs at 8am and 8pm. Can i change it to 10am and 10pm?



This is not a problem as long as you consistently take them at the new time. Jumping back and forth mean you have a risk of developing resistance. This would mean your meds would stop working well.

People do change the time they take their meds for all sorts of reasons though. Again this is ok as long as you keep taking regularly at the new time.

The only concern about switching from evening to morning is if your combination include the drug efavirenz. Efavirenz needs to be taken 1-2 hours before you sleep, so you reduce side effects.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Edina,

    What ARVs are you taking?
    You’ve said you’re having trouble taking your meds, are you able to expand upon this?

  2. Edina

    Hi, am having trouble with taking my medicine in the morning, is it okay for me to take ART in the evening?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Esethu,

    If you’re having issues with remembering to take your meds, you could set an alarm on your phone, this could help.
    It’s recommended to take TLD in the morning as there’s a possibility that you may experience insomnia if you take it in the evening.

    If you do want to take it in the evening, have a try. If you have issues with sleep you may need to change back to the morning. You could also to your doctor about possibly using another combination, one that can be taken at any time or in the evening.

  4. Esethu

    Please help me. I’m taking TLD in the morning now I’d like to change time to the evening because sometimes I don’t take my pills in the usual time because of different places I’m going..

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nontle,

    How long have you been taking TLD for?
    Yes you can take this combination in the morning. Yes you can take it in the evening and then again the morning, this will be fine.

  6. Nontle

    Hi. I’m currently talking TLD and it’s been giving me sleepless nights. So I’d like to ask if I can switch from evening to morning, if yes, do I take my evening dose then take it in the morning?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sinawo,

    It’s OK to take ARVs when you drink wine, there won’t be an interaction.
    With regards to changing time, what ARVs are you taking?

  8. Sinawo

    I want to change my ARVS time from Evening to morning
    You know the problem is that I love my Wine especially after dinner but now I can’t because of the meds that is why i want to change and take my ARV in the morning

    Plz help

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lucas,

    What ARVs are you taking now? How long have you had diarrhea for?

  10. Lucas

    I have a problem with diarrhea after changing time for arv meds can it stop or need medical attention


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