Q and A


Can my Mom’s CD4 counts increase as she is older than 50?

My Mom has been diagnosed with HIV. She has a low CD4 count (less than 200).

She is currently taking the ART pills and following her treatment.

I am worried because I read somewhere else that older people stop producing CD4 cells after 50, even if they are on ART. She is 47 so it is close.

Is this true? Should I be worried that my Mom will not be able to rise her CD4 count?



Thanks for asking a question about your Mom.

If your Mom is now in HIV treatment (also called ART) then her CD4 count should be fine to increase again.

CD4 increases are usually slow and steady, but this usually gets to above 200 and often much higher.

This will dramatically reduce the risk of your Mom having HIV related problems.

Although the immune sytem does loose some functions as we get older, this only become serious at higher ages – perhaps over 70 or 80.

In terms of responses to ART, it is a good reason for everyone to start treatment earlier, especially if they are older than 50. But people older than 50 still get good responses to ART.


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