Q and A


Should I worry about CD4 change on ART?

Hi there,

I just done my bimonthly CD4 test. I just took a different type of ARV, previously I was taking lamivudine, evafirenz and tenofovir in one pill however due to the short supplies my doctor prescibed me with another type of arv which are truvada and efavirenz (2 pills). After the new pills I realize that my CD4 is getting low.

Is this something that I need to worry about? My adherence with arv is very good..

Below is the summary:
February (1 pill): CD4 : 232, CD4% : 11%, Viral load undetectable (below 40)
April (1 pill): CD4 : 256, CD4% : 11%
May (1 month after new arv – 2 pills): CD4 : 227, CD4% : 10.77%

Is this something that I need to worry about? What should I do now?



Although you changed the formualtion, you are still taking the same meds.

Also, CD4 results of 232, 256 and 227 are all so similar as be be considered the came. A double-check that nothing is wrong it that your CD4% has been the same at 11% all this time.


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