Q and A


What are natural ways to lower HIV viral load?

What are natural ways to lower HIV viral load?


The only way to lower viral load is to use HIV meds (ART). These are really effective treatment and are the only proven way to do this.

HIV is a virus that can only be treated with effective medicines.

ARVs are the “natural” way. Any suggestion otherwise is misguided and unhelpful.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Dolores,

    What does your doctor say about the results? Yes, it looks like you should have drug resistance tests done.

    Please can you let us know how long you’ve been taking Genvoya? And if you have access to previous CD4 and viral load results, please tell us those too.

    What country do you live in? There might be different services available to you.

  2. Dolores

    Hello my cd4 is 100 and my vita loads are 19000 am on my meds genvoya and can I be tested to check the meds are in my system are not working

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Goodman,

    If your viral load is undetectable it show your HIV meds (ARVs) are working well.

    Please talk to your doctor about your weight loss. You can ask for advice on diet. And here is the guide to a balanced diet and your health. There are some good tips in this about food that can help you gain weight.

  4. Goodman

    Can a person lose weight but still have lower than detectable Viral load?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nobuhle,

    I’m sorry to hear that the clinic tease you about your viral load. This is bad practice.

    But it’s important you talk to the clinic and ask them to explain why your viral load is not below 50 copies/mL and undetectable.

    You can ask them to check that your HIV meds are working as they should.

    What HIV meds are you taking? And can you tell us what your viral load has been over the time you’ve been on HIV treatment (ART)?

  6. Nobuhle

    My viral is 3400 but I’m taking my medicine everyday I really don’t know what to do now couse when I go to the clinic to collect my medication they keep on teasing me abwt it. I don’t do sex and I make sure I take my medication everyday.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Abigail,
    We are not doctors at i-Base. But we do give up to date info to HIV positive people about HIV treatment (ART). Are you taking ART? What meds are they? However boils are an infection of the skin. If the infection is severe your doctor may give you antibiotics. Please ask the doctor to have a look and work out the best way to treat them.

  8. Abigail

    Hi doctor I’m having boils almost every month in my body, what is the cause? And what is the remedy?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Khanyisile,

    It’s important to ask your doctor to look at your rash to find out what’s causing it and if possible get treatment for it.
    Please talk to your doctor about your CD4 count and viral load results too. If you’ve been on treatment and you have already been undetectable you can ask for another viral load test to check if it’s just a blip.

  10. khanyisile

    I have iitching spots ok over ma body like ring worms my viraload is 147 how to lower it


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