Q and A


Can I take multivitamins and minerals with ARVs?



Multivitamins are minerals are only really needed if you have a deficiency or if you don;t have a balanced and nutritious diet.

So long as you use recommend dose they will not do any harm.

The only ARVs that interact with multivitamins are integrate inhibitors. It this case you just need to separate dosing of the multivitamins and ARVs by at least four hours


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dineo, do you know the name of the ARVs you are taking?

  2. Dineo

    Hi can i take procydin with my arvs

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lindiwe, do you know your viral load? and have you also been told your CD4%?

    How is your fatty liver being managed? Do you know what stage it is? How did you come to find out you had a fatty liver? This is a possible side effect from being on TLD as it contains dolutegravir.

    Immune boosters are not going to help. There is no evidence to support that they treat HIV or improve your immune system in any way.

    Testing the absolute count is not always accurate fro CD4 count. This is because other infections, recent vaccines or even the time of day can effect the result. This is why CD4% is a more accurate representation of how your immune system is recovering. It is also more important to see if your viral load is being suppressed by your treatment.

  4. Lindiwe

    I’ve been taking TLD Pills for 3 month but my CD 4 count is dropping 56 to 48 and i got a fatty liver please advice, can i take immune boosters?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Matthew, ARVs work well by themselves. You do not need to take them with anything to boost your immune system.

    If you are still taking these supplements you have mentioned, please take them at the opposite end of the day to when you take your ARVs. Taking them together can reduce how well your ARVs works.

  6. Matthew

    Is good to take my arvs with immune boosters, like vitamin c, zink etc?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gladys, there is a risk of interaction between these supplements and ARVs.

    The easiest way to avoid the interaction is taking them at opposite ends of the day e.g., if you take your ARVs in the morning, take your supplements before bed. This is a long enough gap to avoid any interaction between them.

  8. Gladys

    Hi.. Can I take vitamin c and zinc tablets and calcium supplements together with my arvs.. I am on Dumiva and Edurant..

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mokgadi, what has your viral load increased to? and after how long switching did you notice this?

    TLD does not cause boils. Have you mentioned this to your doctor?

  10. Mokgadi

    Hi I was taking Atroiza for a long time, but after I was switched to TLD, my viral load increased, and I have developed some boils on my legs, can it be the effect of TLD or what could be the problem?


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