Q and A


Can I take multivitamins and minerals with ARVs?



Multivitamins are minerals are only really needed if you have a deficiency or if you don;t have a balanced and nutritious diet.

So long as you use recommend dose they will not do any harm.

The only ARVs that interact with multivitamins are integrate inhibitors. It this case you just need to separate dosing of the multivitamins and ARVs by at least four hours


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Del, please understand that none of these supplements will change the colour of your skin. There is no evidence that they work but they could have side effects and complications.

    Your natural skin colour is beautiful – whatever colour it is. The idea that lighter skin is somehow better is racist and prejudiced. Judging people this way – including judging yourself is a road to unhappiness.

    Please talk to your doctor if this is a big concern – and also to your friends.

  2. Del

    Can I take whitening supplements while taking ARV (TLD)?

    One includes ingredients like glutathione, fernblock, crystal tomato, vitamin c, and zinc), Another includes glutathione, NAC, vitamin c, and rosehips).

    The recommended dosage of these supplements are 2-4 capsules a day.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Alana, taking multivitamins and ARVs together would not lead to the symptoms you have mentioned. You will need to speak with your doctor about what could be causing these symptoms.

    It is best to take multivitamins and ARVs at opposite ends of the day. This is to avoid any interactions. Some multivitamins can reduce how well ARVs work.

  4. Alana

    Hi can you please help. For almost a month I have been taking my arvs together with the multivitamins and iron supplements. Now I feel not OK. Ihave frequent headache, sore body feel like my whole body bone are cracking.

    Just wondering if am doing it wrong

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Richard, as with most multivitamins there is some risk of interaction with HIV treatment. To avoid this it is best to take them at opposite ends of the day e.g., Raenga in the morning and Activovite in the evening. Doing this will prevent at interaction between them.

  6. Richard

    Can I take ranega and activovite vitamin at the same time?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Carl, thanks.

    It is really nice that your want to help and support your relative, but maybe also talk with them to see whether this is something that they would like. I am sure they will also appreciate that you care abot them :) .

    It is also good that you asked because the doctor or pharmacist really needs to know about the multivitamin. Although it is generally okay to take a multivitamin, please look at the ingredients. Some HIV drugs including dolutegravir can not be taken at the same time as calcium, aluminium and magnesium. This just means separating the doing, for example taking HIV med in the monring and the multivitamin in the evening.

    Other things are important too. For example not taking vitamin A is you want to become pregnant, or other drug interactions.

    Although multivitamins are advertised to imply health benefits, there is little evidence to show they actually improve your health, unless you have a vitamin deficiency.

  8. Carl


    I went to get one of my close family members a multivitamin and was wondering if they will interact with the ARVS they are taking?

    kindly advice thanks!

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Steven, as Viral Guard contains multiple vitamins it would be recommended to take this and your ARVs at opposite ends of the day e.g., Viral Guard in the morning and ARVs in the evening. This will avoid any potential side effects between the two.

  10. Steven

    Can I take viral guard tablets with arvs?


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