Q and A


Can I take multivitamins and minerals with ARVs?



Multivitamins are minerals are only really needed if you have a deficiency or if you don;t have a balanced and nutritious diet.

So long as you use recommend dose they will not do any harm.

The only ARVs that interact with multivitamins are integrate inhibitors. It this case you just need to separate dosing of the multivitamins and ARVs by at least four hours


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sipho, no you do not need to take multivitamins alongside ARVs. ARVs are alone to treat HIV. There is no evidence to suggest taking multivitamins will improve how well your treatment works or your own health.

  2. Sipho Ntuli

    Is it necessary to take multivitamins with ARV cause I suspect that the multivitamins are causing weight..Your advice please

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Karl, yes this is okay. Glutathione will not interact with your treatment.

  4. KarlMagnus1996

    Hi, is it okay for me to take glutathione while i am having my treatment? Thank you

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Tebogo, if your sister is HIV positive do you know the results of here blood test called the CD4 count? Does she currently have an HIV doctor? Is she taking HIV meds now or did she every take them in the past?

    If not, do you know why>

    The best thing you can do to help is to support her to visit the doctor again to get treatment.

    The doctor can then look at all the other problems you mentioned.

    The clinic should also be able to arrange counselling perhaps, if she has a bad reaction to learning her status.

    If your sister was only recently diagnosed it can sometimes take a while to come to terms with this.

    It can be a big help sometimes to talk to your sister about you feel and that you worru. Or to ask if there is anythin that will help.

    If your sister doesn’t know other positive poeple or have other support, dealing with HIV on your own can be very lonely.

  6. Tebogo

    How do I help my sister to cope with her status. She is loosing weight and starting to show sign of sickness she has rush on her face she has boils under her armpits.im worried how do I help her?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Blue, it is great that you have started treatment. It is common for people to have suppressed viral loads within a month of starting. Are you able to get a test? If your viral load is below 200 you cannot pass on HIV. Though in some cases, achieving this can take up to 3 months. Acriptega will help suppress your viral load.

    PrEP is safe for your partner to use. Your partner can take this daily on ‘on-demand’ when you are anticipating to have sex. Are you able to access PrEP? It is usually given as a pill called Truvada.

  8. blue

    Hello, i need advice about how to cope with my status.
    I am already on Acriptega for treatment and it will be One month since i started my dosage by 14th of December.
    Now i need to know how to keep my partner safe until I am sure my viral load is undetectable.
    She insists she does not want to use condoms. She is negative.
    What do we do? PreP is safe in this way?
    Will Acriptega help to suppress my viral load?
    Will Truvada help her to not get infected if we have sex without condom?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Abolade, what ARVs do you take? and have you always been slim or have you lost weight since being on treatment?

  10. Abolade

    I am a slim woman living with HIV. Can I take multivitamins and some other drugs to gain some weight apart from using antiretroviral drugs


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