Q and A


Can I take multivitamins and minerals with ARVs?



Multivitamins are minerals are only really needed if you have a deficiency or if you don;t have a balanced and nutritious diet.

So long as you use recommend dose they will not do any harm.

The only ARVs that interact with multivitamins are integrate inhibitors. It this case you just need to separate dosing of the multivitamins and ARVs by at least four hours


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kb, Atroiza does not contain an integrase inhibitor. Integrase inhibitors are the primary class of HIV ARVs that interact with multivitamins. This means that your protein shake will have no effect on how well PEP works.

  2. Kb

    Good day I’ve been taking Atroiza pills as PEP every night and drinking protein shake that contain a lot of minerals and calcium, will this affect the medication

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nthabiseng, what ARVs and multivitamins do you take? There are some that require the multivitamin to be taken 6 hours before or 2 hours after taking ARVs.

  4. Nthabiseng

    Hi can I take y ARVs with multivitamin

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sophy, what ARVs are you taking? As viral c plex contains magnesium, it would be advised to take viral c plex 2 hours after, or 6 hours before your ARVs.

  6. sophy

    can i take viral c plex with arvs

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rebecca, there are no interactions between any of the drugs you are taking. It is safe to take them together.

  8. Rebecca

    I’m taking luvigen for high blood pressure I take amlodipine and simvastatin for for cholesterol. I was on dyalisis for 6 months and was discharged. Am I safe with the ARV that I’m taking

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Real3396, yes it is okay to do this. There is no interaction between this and HIV medication.

  10. Real3396

    Is it okay to take Pruritan’s pride hair, skin and nails formula with type 1 and 3 collagen alongside my hiv medication? Thank you for the reaponse


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