Q and A


How effective is PEP after 5 weeks?

How effective will PEP be once started after 5 weeks of exposure. Moreso with efavirenz following a positive hiv and vdrl test for the partner yet i get negative results?


PEP needs to be taken very quickly if it is to work. Ideally within hours and no latter than 48 hours (in most recommendations.

The UK extends this window to 72 hours. This is based more on psychological benefit if someone is very anxious, rather than with any expectation PEP will work this late.

PEP will have no effect if taken so long after a risk.



  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Neo,

    What did the doctor say about becoming hepatitis C positive? Do you have access to treatment?

    Please this link to the guide to PrEP and PEP. After a course of PEP you need to wait 28 days before testing for HIV. This is to check that the PEP has worked.

    The 28 day wait is because PEP can delay infection.

  2. Neo

    I have sex with sex worker I use condom i think without condom i sex it when I pull out the condom are not come out with my penis After that I call that sex workers and tested it hiv 1,2 hepatitis b, c and vdrl also only hepatitis c become positive I am little worry I can’t sleep, I can’t eat because of thinking…
    My question is should I become HIV positive or not
    I start pep within 72 hour… TLE (Tenofovir in TDF form 300mg.. Lamivudine 300mg.. Efavirenz 600 mg)

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cynthia,

    We are not doctors at i-Base. So please talk to your doctor about having somatoform disorder. You could also ask for an HIV test in two months time to confirm your HIV test result.

  4. Cynthia

    Good morning,
    I had unprotected sex with a man and 2 weeks later I had a small dot rashes on my hands, chest, neck and face. During that same period I started having tingling sensation and burning under my skin and joint pains…I ran a test on the day making it a month I had the unprotected sex and it turned out Negative.
    I’m still having body pains but the doctor says I’m having somatoform disorder…
    Please could I be negative or is it a symptom of another illness …..

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Gil,

    No, Truvada is not recommended for PEP. But it is usually a part of PEP. There are only two drugs in Truvada, and PEP needs more than that. Usually there are three drugs in PEP.

    Please see this link about PEP and PrEP.

  6. Gil

    Is truvada by itself enough for pep?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cass,

    Your questions are answered here http://i-base.info/qa/12010.

    Being on PEP can delay infection. It could be that your partner has reduced infection. But none of this is 100% of course.

    Truvada is not recommended as PEP. Please see the latest comment here: http://i-base.info/qa/12248

  8. Cass

    Sorry I dont know if my comment went through from the other forum. To follow back on the topic you stated of the man being on pep for 4 days reduces the chance for me to get hiv after a condom slip up with pre cum?
    And is truvada proven in the past to be enough for pep because that’s all I have received 11 days ago

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Stuart,

    For PEP to be effective it needs to be taken within max 72 after a possible exposure.

  10. Stuart

    Hello doctor, I have started taking PEP after 86hours after the risk of broken condom during sex. Should I expect 100℅ eradication of the virus? Thank you.


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