
Should I keep a few pills in case I need PEP again in the future?

Is it a good idea to stop PEP on Day 26 and keep the 2 remaining Truvada and 4 raltegravir pills as “insurance” in case of a future mishap?

I ask because after a condom break and unverifiable HIV status of my sex partner, obtaining PEP was a miserable experience due to emergency room staffing shortages and my travelling.

Most of the stress was in this phase and should I ever need it again, I would like to be able to start within minutes, not after 28 hours. If not advisable, are there starter packs that can be obtained? I know all the stuff about liver testing and verifying HIV before treatment, but if I test negative and only have safe sex, the latter is pointless.

The liver testing could be done after a couple days I’m imagining (anyway, few side effects besides a bit of tiredness) Thanks for a practical answer.



Thanks, yes, the short answer is that there are lots of reasons why this might be a good idea and very few reasons not to consider this.

A slightly longer response continues…

There is actually very little data on the effectiveness of PEP. This is mainly because HIV is already such a difficult virus to catch, any study would need to include many thousands of PEP cases to start to see anything significant. So even though some PEP studies report low numbers of infections – often none – these studies usually only include a few hundred people when looking for something that might only have a 1 in 500 chance of occurring anyway.

The study I remember that showed a benefit used starter packs – and this has always made the most sense – especially if someone is at higher risk.

i-Base information always stresses the earlier PEP is started, the better chance it will work. This should ideally be within hours. On this basis, PEP clinics (including general hospitals) would be better to give someone a single Truvada tablet as soon as they walk through the door..

The single pill would start working immediately (FTC is absorbed very fast, tenofovir takes longer). This means PEP could start working while other tests are carried out. In the event that someone might already HIV positive, another med could be given to minimise any risk of drug resistance (ie switching to a boosted PI for two days). Another alternative would be an option to continue HIV treatment, which is increasingly an option on diagnosis.

There is no data to show there is any difference between 26 day or 28 days of PEP, so you can easily do this with little likely impact on the efficacy of PEP. Actually, there is no data showing a difference between 21 and 28 days either – I think 28 days was chosen for practical reasons as much as anything else.

In practice, after a needlestick risk. most health workers report stopping PEP within a week or two. This shows that even people who should be the best informed about PEP, often do not complete the full course. The full course is always recommended. 

Either way, holding back a few days of PEP does makes practical sense, especially when health services generally – certainly in the UK – keep people waiting for at least four hours, if not considerably longer. It would also take the uregency and panic out of getting PEP. so that if the incident happened at a difficult time, you could go to the PEP clinic the next morning.

You are right to be cautious about not using PEP in the future if you might become positive. You could explain all this to the clinic when you next need PEP.

There is little risk form a single dose of Truvada

An important caveat is that advocates at i-Base are not doctors. This practical information is just based on the theoretical mechanism for PEP and the difficulties in accessing PEP promptly.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:

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  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cass,

    Unfortunately, it’s not possible to know at this stage if your partner is HIV positive.

    However, PEP needs to be taken very quickly if it is to work. Ideally within hours and no later than 48 hours (in most recommendations).

    The UK extends this window to 72 hours. This is based more on psychological benefit if someone is very anxious, rather than with any expectation PEP will work this late.

  2. Cass

    So the person told me that they have been on pep for 4 days when the condom broke. Does that still mean I have a low chance of getting hiv still? I have read that it’s worse during acute hiv period. Or does the 4 days not count as acute hiv?

    And correct I have read that only truvada is for prep but I specifically came for pep but they only gave me truvada. Do you think it’s too late to add isentress now after 11 days of exposure. Just in your experience I dont want to go and blow more money for another visit if they tell me no.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cass,

    I hope you don’t mind but I put your two comments into just this one.

    It’s a good idea to talk to the doctor. A single occasion when the condom bursts with someone who is on PEP could be low risk. But your partner won’t know his HIV status until 28 days after finishing PEP.

    However, you are not taking PEP. But Truvada can be used on its own as PrEP, that means it’s taken before the risk of HIV.

    Here’s more about PEP and PrEP. And there’s a lot more info at this link.

  4. Cass

    I was the receiver through vaginal sex with a male that Is already on pep and the condom broke. What do you think I should have gotten on top of the truvada or is truvada enough?

    The doctor told me to take it once a day for 28 days. I have had vaginal sex with a male who is already on pep from another occasion and our condom broke so I got on pep too. And all I have been given was truvada for 28 days. Nothing else. Should I be worried?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cass,

    What did the doctor say when he gave you the Truvada? Can you go back to the doctor? You could ask about the level of risk you think you’ve had.

    You could check about risk on the i-Base site:

  6. Cass

    Hi I have went for pep after 20 hours of possibly being infected and the doctor has only prescribed to me truvada by itself one pill a day for 28 days….its day 11 now. Is it too late to add a medication now on top of the truvada?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nkanyiso,

    You’ve said that you’re on treatment. Is your viral load undetectable? If it is, then there’s no risk to your partner. If it isn’t, if the exposure was less than 72hrs ago then your partner could use PEP.
    It’s not advised to give your meds to anyone else.

  8. Nkanyiso

    I am HIV positive and i am on treatment, i had sex with someone negative and condom broke, can i give the person my one pill to drink? the person will be safe? Will just one pill help?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thab,

    After a course of PEP you need to wait 28 days before testing for HIV. This is because PEP can delay infection.

  10. Thab

    When to have fourth generation Elisa after PEP