Q and A


How can I be HIV positive, but my partner has test negative?

Hi, I’m 24 and HIV positive and my partner tested negative last week. I’m taking meds. Can you tell me how it possible because we live together.  


Thanks for your question.

Many people are in the same situation as you. It sounds like your partner has just been lucky, Also, because you are on treatment this will also have protected him

This link about the PARTNER study show being on treatment reduces the risk of transmission to close to zero. People in this study had been for over six months and had an undetectable viral load. and they did not use condoms.


If you have any more questions, please get in touch.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mosa,

    Please see here:


  2. Mosa

    Hi I’m 23 years old just found out that I’m HIV positive last year. My CD4was 470… Started to used my meds in December … So is it possible to infect my boyfriend coz he’s negative if we don’t use a condom?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Karla,

    Please see question one here:


  4. Karla

    How effective is a condom in preventing HIV?
    Can I get HIV through having oral sex once with an infected person?
    If I had protected sex but unprotected oral sex with an infected person can symptoms show within the first week?
    If lymph glands in throat feel swollen 3 days after having oral sex with an infected person. Is that a sign that i have HIV?

    Thank you.