Q and A


Should I take Tribuss or Trivenz?

Hi…I’m 3 months pregnant and have tested HIV positive.. My GP recommended tribus pills to start using it and my medical aid decided to give me trivenzn. I’m not sure if I should use it or go back to my GP to explain to her..

Please help, must i start using it or not?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Tribuss and Trivenz are a generic form of Atripla. Therefore, it doesn’t matter which one you take, as they are the same drug. Please see:


What is important is that you are on medication. More so because you are pregnant. It is ARVs that will help prevent transmission.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ephy,

    When people start Atrozia (a generic version of Atripla: http://i-base.info/guides/1561) it is possible that you can have issues with sleep. However, not being able to sleep for 3 days isn’t usual. If you can, please talk to your doctor about this.

  2. Ephy

    I am taking tribuss and since I started three days ago I can’t sleep all.Will this insomnia stop or should I rather take sleeping pills.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thandi,

    In countries it’s very common to switch between the generic version of Atripla, so yes this is OK.

  4. Thandi

    I have been taking eitheir travinz or tribus because I was told they are the same its just generic. Is there anything wrong with that?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Amahle,

    novavit isn’t an ARV it’s a multivitamin. If you have HIV you need to be taking the Trivenz. If you don’t your HIV won’t be controlled.

  6. Amahle

    Hi! I am taking the novavit plus so must I also drink my triven’z I’m puzzled?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Madi,

    Tribuss and Trenvir are both generic versions of Atripla, that this means is that they contain the same compounds. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/1561
    It’s very common to take different versions of Atripla. It’s unlikely that you’ll notice any changes.

  8. Madi


    Is there a difference between trenvir and tribuss? I’m worried about lipodystrophy in particular. They changed my meds from Tribuss to Trenvir. I have never really experienced any hectic side effects that may cause body changes. I’m really worried.. Please help

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pearl,

    Trivenz is a generic version of Atripla, it can be used by women who are pregnant as well as those who are breastfeeding.

  10. Pearl

    Should i be worried on what is written on triven’z leaflet that it should not be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women


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