Q and A


Should I take Tribuss or Trivenz?

Hi…I’m 3 months pregnant and have tested HIV positive.. My GP recommended tribus pills to start using it and my medical aid decided to give me trivenzn. I’m not sure if I should use it or go back to my GP to explain to her..

Please help, must i start using it or not?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Tribuss and Trivenz are a generic form of Atripla. Therefore, it doesn’t matter which one you take, as they are the same drug. Please see:


What is important is that you are on medication. More so because you are pregnant. It is ARVs that will help prevent transmission.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Libona,

    No this isn’t true, garlic doesn’t stop ARVs from working.

  2. Libona

    Is true that garlic flushes out ARV Treatment

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sane,

    triolar, tribuss and trivenz are all generic versions of an ARV called Atripla- https://i-base.info/guides/1561 Yes you can take the ARVs that you’ve mentioned with dapsone, there won’t be any reactions.

  4. Sane

    Hi there is there a deference between triolar, tribuss and trivenz. Another thing that I want to know what are dapsone tablets do in connection with AR treatment

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Emmah,

    Yes, Trivenz and Trenvir are the same thing. They have different names because they are made by different companies.

    You can see all the different names for these HIV meds here.

  6. Emmah

    Hi I have been using Trenvir now my doctor prescribed me Trivenz are they the same thing?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Anonymous,

    Yes, Atenef and Trivenz contain the same HIV meds. They are generic versions of Atripla. They have different names because they are made by different companies.

  8. Anonymous

    Is Atenef and Trivenz the same

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Praise,

    I’m sorry but I don’t know what this ARV is. What drugs does it contain?

  10. Praise

    Hi iv got problem .I was using trivenz for 2 yrs now I went to another doctor he give me trivenge it is still da same thing or ?


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