
I’ve HIV and just had a baby, should I use formula?

hi. I’m hiv positive and have given birth 5days ago. I’m currently on tribuss and undetectable. My family is too judgemental so i have not told anyone about my status. I’m feeding my baby formula but the problem is she has not pooped for 2days now and my family keeps on saying its because of formula i should breastfeed. I want to know if it is still safe for me to breastfeed even if i started by giving formula.


Congratulations on the birth of your child.

I appreciate that it can be hard to tell people about your status. You may also feel under more pressure because of having a baby. Because you are on treatment, how you choose to feed your child is your decision. The following though may help:

With regards to your baby pooing, this is normal in newborns. If however, you are concerned please talk to a doctor.

Good luck.


  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Gwavuya and many thanks for the question.

    Congratulations on the new baby. You must be very happy.

    Colics are very common in babies so young. So please don’t worry.

    Your status doesn’t affect the baby if you follow your doctor’s advice and take your medication.

    Your baby is very young to be given over the counter medication.

    It’s best to discuss with your midwife or doctor about how to help the baby when they have colics.

  2. Gwavuya

    Good morning. I have a 2 weeks old baby. What is recommended to give the baby if she or he have upset stomach and colics when the mother has hiv and is breast feeding?

  3. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Siziphiwe and many thanks for the question.

    Congratulations on the new baby. You must be very happy.

    It is not uncommon for women to not be able to breastfeed.

    Nothing wrong with switching to formula.

    It is not usual for a newborn to not poop for 5 days though.

    I am not an expert on babies so please speak to your doctor or midwife for advice on the baby, his medication and the formula you are using.

  4. Siziphiwe

    Hi my boy is 23 days old and hes on nevirapine syrup and he has not pooped for 5 days. I am worried.
    I was breastfeeding him but now I have switched to formula. I thought that my boobs did not have enough milk and I gave him NAN pelagon. Is it safe for him? I am stressed that he is not pooping now ?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Linda, we always say to discuss the plan for feeding your baby with your health workers. These people will understand you situation and both you and yourr babies health. Some countries use different advice.

  6. Linda

    Am hiv positive and am using formula
    I want to know is it good to mix it with nestum or cereal and my baby is on nevarapin

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ofentse, how old is baby? It is safe to give baby formula feed and zidovudine together. After 6 weeks (sometimes 12 weeks) it is no longer recommended for baby to continue with zidovudine. This is because there is no further benefit and the risk of HIV transmission when not breastfeeding is no longer present.

  8. ofentse

    Hi my baby is on formula feed when should i stop to give him zidovudine

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Sandiso, thanks, congratulations on your new baby. I think that your clinic will say it is okay to stop the co-trimoxazole but please contact them to check first. i-Base are not doctors and the doctor who prescribed the meds should advise you about when to stop.

    This leaflet includes information about how advice can be different depending on where you live:

    best wishes

  10. Sandiso

    Hy I need your help please my baby is 6 months old now so I want to stop breastfeeding and before we were given co- trimoxazole because i was breastfeeding so now should I stop giving her co-trimoxazole?


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