I’ve HIV and just had a baby, should I use formula?
25 October 2016. Related: All topics, Children, Disclosure, Southern Africa.
hi. I’m hiv positive and have given birth 5days ago. I’m currently on tribuss and undetectable. My family is too judgemental so i have not told anyone about my status. I’m feeding my baby formula but the problem is she has not pooped for 2days now and my family keeps on saying its because of formula i should breastfeed. I want to know if it is still safe for me to breastfeed even if i started by giving formula.
Congratulations on the birth of your child.
I appreciate that it can be hard to tell people about your status. You may also feel under more pressure because of having a baby. Because you are on treatment, how you choose to feed your child is your decision. The following though may help:
With regards to your baby pooing, this is normal in newborns. If however, you are concerned please talk to a doctor.
Good luck.
Hi Anika,
It sounds like you’re doing all you can. But what does the clinic say? Please can you talk to them about support and advice?
Please see this question about the safest way to feed your baby. This can be different in countries around the world.
If you’re beastfeeding your baby you should only feed her this way. Mixed feeding with both breast milk and formula milk is not recommended as this could increase HIV risk.
How is our HIV treatment going? Please let us know your viral load results and what meds you’re taking.
Hi I’m hiv positive and I’m breastfeeding my baby she’s 3 months old and I’m giving her nevirapine please is she at the safe side?
Hi Seyh,
Your baby is not at increased risk of HIV if you are only using formula feeding. But 4 weeks is too young to start on soft food. Some babies are ready for soft food at about 17 weeks (or 4 months).
So if you continue with formula only, then your son is not at increased risk of HIV.
Hey .. my son is 4 weeks old and I breastfed for only two weeks then abruptly switched to formula my mom has been giving the baby a little soft porridge after I stopped giving him breastmilk, is he at risk?
Hi Elise,
It isn’t advised to mix liquid ARVs with baby formula. They need to be given at different times.
Can i mix formula with hiv medication for my baby as its difficult for him to drink alone or its detrimental to do so
Hi Zimasa.
Even if you’re giving your child formula milk, they still need to take ARVs. As to how long they need to take them this varies depending on where someone lives. It could be 2, 4 or even 6 weeks. Please discuss this with your childs doctor.
Am HIV positive. I breastfeed my baby 1 day only, now at hospital they give me cipla nevirapine to give my baby. The question is Should I stop to give my baby nevirapine?
Hi Zendaya,
It’s important you talk to the doctor as soon as you can about your son’s rash. Please ask the doctor to look at the rash and make sure he’s not having a bad reaction to nevirapine.
Hi Doc.
My son is a month old and haven’t been breastfeeding, but using formula. My son is on nevirapine and developing rush, should I stop since I’m not breastfeeding?