
I’ve HIV and just had a baby, should I use formula?

hi. I’m hiv positive and have given birth 5days ago. I’m currently on tribuss and undetectable. My family is too judgemental so i have not told anyone about my status. I’m feeding my baby formula but the problem is she has not pooped for 2days now and my family keeps on saying its because of formula i should breastfeed. I want to know if it is still safe for me to breastfeed even if i started by giving formula.


Congratulations on the birth of your child.

I appreciate that it can be hard to tell people about your status. You may also feel under more pressure because of having a baby. Because you are on treatment, how you choose to feed your child is your decision. The following though may help:

With regards to your baby pooing, this is normal in newborns. If however, you are concerned please talk to a doctor.

Good luck.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Felisia,

    The only thing babies needs up until they’re 6 months old is milk. At 6 months, that’s when babies should be introduced to solids. Your sisters baby is far too young to be having solids. Introducing solids to babies born to positive mothers also increases their risk of being positive. So in response to your question, yes this child is at increased risk.

  2. Felisia

    Hey doc my sister wants an avise from me. She is HIV and have a babyboy who is 1 month, she is breastfeeding and already gave the child a soft porridge. The child is not at risk?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Unknown,

    Babies born to positive mothers need to be either breastfeed or given formula, they can’t be mixed feed. The safest option is formula.

  4. Unknown

    Im Hiv + my child is 6 weeks hiv negative should i use formula and breastmilk at the same time???

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nothando,
    You shouldn’t be giving your baby water, be this with or without sugar. All babies needs until they are 6 months old is milk. Given that your positive, the safest form of milk is formula. With formula there isn’t any risk.

  6. Nothando

    I am mother living with hiv ,have been breastfeeding for two full weeks,in between gave the child sugar water as my mother advised it would help with cleaning the baby’s tummy. My worry is now,on day 15 when I tried to breastfeed the baby as normal ,nothing came out. Decided there and then to change to formula ,worrying the baby would go hungry. Am I putting the child at any risk?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sindi,

    Mix feeding with babies isn’t recommended, your baby either needs to be given breast milk or formula, not both.

  8. Sindi

    Can I give formula during the day and breastfeed during the night

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Unknown,

    Breastfeeding guidelines vary depending on where it is that someone lives. In the UK, where i-based are based, it’s not recommended. However, it does vary. Please talk to your doctor.

  10. Unknown

    My baby is exposed to hiv and I have been exclusively breastfeeding and then I decided to stop breastfeeding and start formula feeding at 3 months, is it possible to return to exclusively breastfeeding if I only gave him formula for only 1 day?


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