Q and A


Will herbal remedies interact with my ARVs?

I am positive and am currently taking anti-retrovirals: truvada and neviraprine and also aciclovir for herpes management.

I am interested in taking a course of homeopathic remedies which are classed as narayani remedies. The first remedy is a kidney & liver cleanser. This contains: Benzoic acid, bereris, cantharis, erbium, ocinum canum, cardus mar, chelidonium, china, lycopodium, mercurius, phosphorus and parathyroid.
The Second remedy is silica terra, which is flint.

The main reason for this was due to recurrent chest infections, leading to steroid treatment, which never really seemed to clear up the problem. I am asthmatic and have experienced it in chronic form as a child and had frequent attacks. I find that stress has been a large factor in how quickly/ slowly I recover from a cold or chest infection and if highly stressed and have found my energy levels quickly depleted from it.
Apparently all energies of the stated substances are very safe, however, I wanted to check if there would be any conflict with my medication and wanted to keep my status as confidential.
I hope you can help with my query and matter of confidentiality.

Many thanks.


Thanks for getting in touch.

Herbal supplements and products can have interactions with  ARVs. Therefore, please ask your pharmacy or HIV doctor first before you take them.


  1. Lisa Thorley
  2. Daniel

    Hi can l take STAMETTA to clean my system but lm on ARVs

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Bongi,

    There are some HIV meds that are sometimes linked to liver problems. This is why routine blood tests check your liver enzymes (ALT and AST). But you can ask your doctor if you need to change again to different meds.

    You can read about liver related side effects of HIV meds in this guide to HIV and your quality of life. It lists HIV meds that are linked to liver problems as well as factors that increase risk of liver complications.

  4. bongi

    I’m Bongi, I’m HIV positive I’ve been on medication since 2012. I have a problem with my liver. every time I do my bloods after 6 months they see something. I’ve been changed from first medication but the problem doesn’t seem to go away.

    I’ve never drank alcohol nor smoke in my life or use herbal supplements. what can I do.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Buyi,

    Your doctor should be able to give you something for the piles. Please talk to them.

  6. Buyi

    Hi I’m taking ARVS started on the 27 June 2018 and my cd4 was very low less than 200. And they gave me Nucotrim tables that I take with ARVS. And I have piles and the are very painful I can’t even sleep at night what should I do do.


  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Margaret,
    Fat loss is no longer reported with modern HIV treatment. But it is reported on some of the older ARVs, such as d4T (stavudine) and AZT (zidovudine). And possibly with efavirenz too.

    Are you still taking drugs like AZT? Please read more about fat loss, especially to the face, here in this guide to side effects and quality of life.

    It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about your treatment and if it can still be associated with this fat loss. You can ask if there are other ARVs you can switch to. You can also ask about treatment for fat loss in the face, which is also listed in the link above.

  8. Margaret

    I HV been on Arvs for 17yrs now, and my face have lost a lot of fat due to medication, my feet and hands but am very health in deed, now just tell me what I can use to lift my face and feet

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ziyanda,

    What meds are you taking? How long have you been taking them for?

  10. ziyanda

    I’ m Hiv positive. My problem is every time I’m sick I have this sharp pain on my left hand side and I’m tired everyday. What can I use to boost my everything?


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