Q and A


I’m HIV+ and taking treatment, why are my partners remaining negative?

Hi. I’ve been married for 11yrs and after 7yrs in marriage, I did find out that I was HIV+. My husband is negative. We continue to have sex unprotected till we had a baby, and divorced later with other issues. But my ex husband still he is negative. Now I’ve a boyfriend we accidentally had unprotected sex and he went for test, he found out that he is hiv negative. This happens twice. I am in treatment.


Thanks for your question.

HIV is actaully difficult to transmit. It really is a case of bad luck. Because you are on treatment, the risks of transmission are close to zero. Please see the PARTNER study:



  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kwatsman,

    Results from the PARTNER study show that the risk of transmission from sex without a condom is close to zero. Please see:


    This is if you have had an undetectable viral load for more than 6 months. Therefore, it is something that you could consider.

  2. Kwatsman

    I’m HIV+, and been on treatment for 7 months. My cd4 count was 560 in April, but after six (6) months is 720.Can I have sex with my partner without condom?