Q and A


Will Tribuss always make me dizzy?

I’m 18 years and been diagnosed with HiV on August with a very high CD4 count.(above 600) I remember it was 901. I started with my treatment (Tribuss) on the 8th of November and when I woke up the next day I was very dizzy and not feeling normal the whole day and I slept most of it. So I skipped on the 9th cos I had an exam on the 10th, I was afraid I might be dizzy again. So my doctor said I should never again do that so I resumed on the 10th again and I’m still experiencing dizziness, I try tolerate and be strong hoping it will blow over during the day but it doesn’t. I stay dizzy the whole day till another dose, I don’t know how normal feels like anymore.

So please help me when will this stop? Will I ever be normal again? Or is dizziness something I’ll always encounter for as long as I take the medication?


Thanks for getting in touch.

How are you coping with your resent diagnoses? Are you getting any support?

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having a difficult time and that this is affecting your exams.

Feeling dizzy is a common side effect when taking Atripla. (tribuss is a generic version) Its something that should pass in a few weeks.  Please see the following link:


In the mean time what  might help is if you take then a few hours before you  go to bed. This should help with the feelings of dizziness. As when the drug levels are at their highest you will be asleep. Please see the following:


With regards to missing your doses. In the beginning its important to take your meds as prescribed. And if possible they should be taken at roughly the same time every day. More information on adherence and starting treatment can be found here:


Good luck with your exams.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lisa,
    It’s great that you’ve started meds. As you know they can protect your baby against HIV. But feeling dizzy, or not sleeping well after taking Atroiza is a reported side effect of Atroiza. Mild side effects can happen in the first few weeks, and they often then go away. But can you talk to the doctor about changing meds? You can find out what is going to be good for you and your baby during your pregnancy.

  2. Lisa

    Hey I need help here please
    I’m 3 months pregnant then I found out that I’m hiv+. Immediately I started to take medication ‘atroiza’ for the sake of the baby. Now the problem is this medication make me feel dizzy I can’t sleep enough then I feel sleepy at work and I have running stomach every morning. I want to know how long I will be experiencing all that side effects or is just for now because I’ve just started medication it will pass later or I will be experiencing this side effects for the rest of my life?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Siwe, The meds in Atroiza and Odimune are the same. Different companies make these and so they have different names that are listed here. But some people can feel dizzy when they take them. You can talk to the doctor and find out if there are other meds you can take.

  4. Siwe

    Hi i have been taking treatment for two ninth now i first use atroiza now they gave me odimune am feeling dizzy and my body sweat
    After any hour taking the odimune every day is it because of the chance or what please help

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mama,

    What meds are you taking now?

  6. mama

    I’ve started with the ARVs since 2011 and was taking atripla before my ganae changed it after giving birth in 2013. The dizziness has been there ever since I took the meds and especially if I don’t go to bed soon after taking it. It’s worrying me cos I sometimes work shifts .

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Masa,

    How long have you been on medication for?
    The feeling dizzy could be due to the efavirenz that are in the Tribuss, this should go within a few weeks. If you’ve been on the meds for long than this, you may need to change.

    The vomitting could be morning sickness.

  8. Masa

    Please am new on treatment and am pregnant, am taking tribuss,always feeling dizzy not eating and now I have started vomiting. Is this normal please help I can’t take the feeling any more.

  9. thokozile

    I’ve been on tribuss now for a week, I feel dizzy and my body is itching.

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thokozile,

    Feeling dizzy and feeling that your body is itching are common side effects when starting tribuss. They should though go within a few weeks. Or, they will become easier to tolerate. If this doesn’t happen then you may need to change meds. For more about side effects of ARVs that contain efavirenz, please see Q3 here:



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