Q and A


My viral load is 20, is this OK?

Been on Atripla for 6 years now ,

went for my regular test ,got my results today and CD4 is on 900 but VL is less than 20 copies am very worried as it is usually undetectable.

what can i do to make sure it gets undetectable again?


Thanks for getting a touch.

The classification for an undetectable viral load is less than 50 copies. Therefore, you are still undetectable because your viral load is less than this. You’re doing well, and have nothing to worry about.


  1. Grace

    Hi, pls my viral load is <20copies, of recent, though I went for another routine tests yet to see the results. And I'm on lamivudine, nevirapine and zidovudine. I take it loyally. Now that WHO recommend DTG for all, my doctor gave me TENOFOVIR, LAMIVIDINE & EFAVIRENZE to take and I'm not comfortable with that. Is dat ryt for me?

  2. Anna

    My ex filed divorce because he has another woman … But the saddest part lately I was diagnosed positive & my kids are infected too. What kind of test should I need to undergo also Test for my 2 & 6 yr old girls before we start the medication? What kind of medication you can recommend for me & my girls ? What questions do I need to ask to my doctor & to their pediatrician? Thank you. Help please …

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anna,

    If you’ve all been recently diagnosed then I’d like to think that someone has talk to you about what to expected and what it is that you need to do. If this isn’t the case, please talk to your doctor as well as that of your children.

    Both you and your children will need to use ARVs. As to what combination you’ll be offered, this will depend on where it is that you live.
    Your doctor should ideally do a CD4 count and viral load, as well as resistance tests. This will be the same for your children.

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nonkus,

    It looks like your ARVs are working well. You have an undetectable viral load of less than 20 copies/mL.

    But what is your CD4 count? The normal CD4 range for an HIV negative person is between 460 and 1600. This is an average. Anywhere in this range is good.

    What ARVs are you taking? Please let us know this too.

  5. Nonkus


    I’ve been on ARV’s for just over 13 years now and my CD4 count is really struggling to go up but my viral load has always been <20, is that a good thing or I need to do something about my CD4

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Rani,

    I’m sorry to hear about your husband. However, it’s important that he sees the doctor about the unexplained growth as soon as possible.

    What does the HIV doctor say about the unexplained growth? How is your husband’s HIV treatment going? Please let us know, and tell us if he has access to CD4 count and viral load results.

  7. Rani

    My husband is hiv for 10 years now..viral load is 52 he just has an.unexplained growth next to his.ribcage big as a.rugby ball…Am.worried about it ..he.has been.on anti biotics for a month and.no changes to the growth under his skin…

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Pete,

    A viral load of 62 is so close to undetectable it should be fine. It may be just a blip. A blip is when viral load goes above 50 copies/mL for a short time and then drops back down.

    But what does your doctor say? As you’ve changed meds you ask your doctor about it. You can ask for another viral load test to make sure there’s not viral rebound.

  9. Pete

    I have been undetectable for over ten years years started new Med juluca May 2019 got blood work done in July 2019 my T cells went up but out of nowhere my viral load was 62 is that bad or good or should I talk to my HIV doctor

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ayo,

    Have you talked to the doctor about this? Do you have access to HIV treatment? If so, please let us know what meds you’re taking and what your CD4 count is.


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