Q and A


My viral load is 20, is this OK?

Been on Atripla for 6 years now ,

went for my regular test ,got my results today and CD4 is on 900 but VL is less than 20 copies am very worried as it is usually undetectable.

what can i do to make sure it gets undetectable again?


Thanks for getting a touch.

The classification for an undetectable viral load is less than 50 copies. Therefore, you are still undetectable because your viral load is less than this. You’re doing well, and have nothing to worry about.


  1. Meme

    My viral load was 62 six months ago then did another test results came today with less than 20 copies.. IS that OK?

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lydia,

    Can you say more about the meds you’re taking? Sometimes, even when taking meds, viral load goes above undetectable. But this can be just a blip. You can find out more info here.

    You can ask the doctor for another viral load test to see if it’s a blip. If not, you can ask what other meds they can give you to get viral load back down.

  3. Lydia kimani

    My viral load is 193 is undetectable and is bad

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Marcieta,

    CD4’s can and do fluctuate, so this isn’t really something to worry about. If your viral load had become detectable again, then you may need to have it retested, however its still undetectable, so its fine.

  5. Marcieta

    Hello…my viral load was 20 in September and CD count was 1123 but this month January my viral load was 30 and CD count 853..I am on Triumeq and have been for about 3 years..should I be concerned

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Moses,

    To be able to answer this question I’ll need some more info. Are you on medication? If you are how long have you been on it for? If you aren’t on medication, then as soon as you begin it your viral load will begin to drop. It should ideally become undetectable within 3 months.

  7. Moses

    63200 viral load ? How bad

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nomusa,

    Anything below 50 copies is excellent. It means that your HIV is under control. It also means that you can’t transmit HIV when having sex.

  9. Nomusa

    My viral load is 26 copies/ml, is it OK?

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi Ntostie, thanks, this is great news. This will be the best for your long-term health. Please let us know if you have other questions.


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