Q and A


My viral load is 20, is this OK?

Been on Atripla for 6 years now ,

went for my regular test ,got my results today and CD4 is on 900 but VL is less than 20 copies am very worried as it is usually undetectable.

what can i do to make sure it gets undetectable again?


Thanks for getting a touch.

The classification for an undetectable viral load is less than 50 copies. Therefore, you are still undetectable because your viral load is less than this. You’re doing well, and have nothing to worry about.


  1. Sophie

    If I have a VL of 69 and I had protected sex but vaginal fluids got on my partner growing area- but condom was still on, wwwwill my partner contract HIV?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Abel,

    Though your viral load is low, so 283 for a person to be virally suppressed their viral load needs to be less than 50. How long have you been on medication for?

  3. Abel

    Hello I have 283 viral load is this OK with me and is HIV being suppressed?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Luthando,

    Your CD4 count upon diagnoses was good and your viral load was already quit low, this is a good sign. Now that you’re on meds this will get better.

    The chest pains could be due to all sorts of issues, please discuss this with a doctor.

  5. Luthando

    I just got that im HIV positive last month then i started taking treatment on the 6th of last month so my viral load was 2700 n my CD 4count was 480 was that bad??n im having chest pains somtimes stomach pains sometimes in the morning which last for more than 2 minutes then it will be like nothing happened

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Presh,

    If you mean how much will it cost, this will depend on where you live. In the UK for example its free.

  7. presh

    please how much will it take to check my viral load

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Obour,
    If you’re taking ART and your viral load has been undetectable for several months you cannot transmit HIV. This protects both your partner and your baby. Please see here for more info on Undetectable = Untransmittable.

  9. OBOUR

    My viral load is <20 can my partner get infected because we want to have a child

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Manana,
    A viral load of 60 sounds very good. HIV treatment aims to get viral load to under 50 copies/mL. But 60 could just be a small blip.
    A blip is when viral load goes above 50 copies/mL for a short time and then drops back down. You can read more about blips at this link.


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