Q and A


Can I take ARVs if I’m not positive?

Can I use Odimune if I’m not HIV positive?


Thanks for getting in touch.

For me to be able to answer this, I’ll need to know why you’re considering taking Odimune.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi James,

    Did your girlfriend test HIV antibody positive? Please can she talk to the doctor and find out the full results of the tests? She can ask if she tested antibody positive and what the viral load results was.

    Please see this link to the Q&A on what different test are used to test for HIV>

  2. james

    Please assist with interpretation.
    my girlfriend is about 5 months pregnant. She felt dizzy & fell had to be rushed to hospital. Then she went to the local clinic.They took a rep is HIV test which was negative. Then they took blood test which came positive however they said the file has been lost & was given ARVs .She took a confirmatory test when results came no interpretation was given.She was told to continue using ARGs & test again in 12 months .lnstead she took a photo of results which are:
    CD4 +ve white Cell count 5.53 Ă—10 9th/L
    cd4 percentage of Lymphocytes 38.98
    Absolute CD4 728 cells/uL

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Abongs,

    Firstly, you need to have if confirmed that you’re positive, this is important. Ideally you should have a test done in a clinic or a hospital.
    When someone is diagnosed it is routeen to have a viral load test taken as well as a CD4 count. You need to fins out if these have been done. If they have then please ask for the results.

    If you do need ARVs, then you may need to change from what it is that you’ve been given to something else. To do this you’ll need to talk to a doctor.

    Yes there may bee issues with you being a student and possible privacy issues, however if you’re positive you’re going to need to take ARVs. If you don’t your health will be at risk. Being able to talk to someone might help.

  4. Abongs

    I tested positive on April but the second test was having a second fainting line and nurses started giving me a treatment i don’t even know my CD4 count and this treatment is causing me want to vomit i don’t have any signs of HIV but the worst part i don’t have a chance to go in clinic and take the medication I am a student and living with another students on the same room they will judge me i used the treatment for two months and i stop taking them this month
    please help i don’t know what to do

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zinhle,

    I’m sorry that the health care providers are treating you in such a disrespectful way. This type of behavior should NEVER happen. Which country do you live in?
    And yes, you’re right, its important for a person to know what their CD4 count is as well as viral load.

  6. Zinhle

    Hy. I was pregnant with my first child, but had a miscarriage in January. Afterwards I tested for Hiv using the home test kit and it’s positive. I went to the clinic and again they did one rapid hiv test, without confirming the result first they put me on treatment. It has been making me sick. I was depressed and I insisted that the father gets tested, his was negative. I then went to the new person I was within before getting tested and Asked Kim to test as well because I was afraid that he may have been infected. 6 months later his results are still negative. I have been asking the clinic to help but they won’t and what’s frustrating is that they are repeatedly refusing to tell me my viral load and cd4 count. They first said the results got lost, I was shocked so they took another blood samples, when I went back they denied ever taking any blood samples from me. In fact they said I should take the treatment and stop worrying about the cd4 and viral load tests, but from what I know it is important to know your viral and cd4 count. What can I do now?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Khaukha,

    If you’re HIV negative you can take just 2 ARVs to protect against HIV if you are not using condoms.

    This is called PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) which means taking ARVs before you are exposed to HIV. There’s a lot more info here about using ARVs before and after having condomless sex.

  8. khaukha

    if you negative and you take arvs when you going to have unprotected sex with a person

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ayanda,

    Is your husband on medication? If they are and their viral load is undetectable then you cannot contract HIV. Please see Q’s 9 and 14 here:


    And Q5.

  10. Ayanda

    My husband is HIV positive and I am not. We are having unprotected sex but I have taken arvs as a precaution. Is it possible for me to get infected even though I have tested negative several times after he has been diagnosed?


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