Q and A


My family are giving my baby water, is this OK?

I’m HIV+ mother and my baby is 3wèeks old . My CD4 count was 311 and undetectable viral load. I’m breastfeeding her and my family don;t know about my status. She tested HIV – n. Shes taking her meds as well (nvp). My worry is that now my mom believe the baby needs water so we giving her water almost every day and my breast milk is not enough for her as shes always sucking me. They say she doesn’t get full so we must feed her. I would to know what are the chances of my baby being HIV +


Thanks for getting in touch.

And congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Its also great to hear that she’s already tested negative.

Your family giving your daughter won’t influence her possible status. However, babies who are this young don’t need water. What they need is milk, and milk alone. If you feel like you aren’t producing enough milk, you may need to change to formula. However, if you do this, you must not mix feed.

The best thing to do would be to speak to your babies doctor. They will be able to tell you if she’s growing or not. If its any help some babies suckle more than others.


  1. Desiree

    Hi I’m Hiv + and my daughter is on nvp and is turn 6weeks in 2weeks and by the time she turns 6weeks her nvp will be finished. What must I do give her this one until it’s finished and then wait until we go to the clinic for her 6week check up or should I go inform them immediately that by the time we come for the check up her nvp will be finished?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thandeka,

    No it doesn’t mean that your baby is positive. Have they been tested?

  3. Thandeka

    Hai what does is mean if they say the baby is exposed to hiv my baby is 6 weeks old and we are formula feeding him and now the doctor said we should stop nevirapine does that mean my baby is HIV to

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Phumla,

    If a baby is going to contract HIV, it will be from their mothers. As you’re not positive, there’s no risk. This said, to ensure that you remain negative it’s important that you use condoms whilst having sex. Once your husbands viral load is undetectable, they’ll no longer be a risk. Please see here: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    Now that your husband is aware of his status, it’s important that he engages with treatment.

  5. Phumla

    Hi am a 30 year old 5 months pregnant women and i tested negative while my husband tested positive should i be worried about my unborn

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lee,

    Babies this young don’t need solid food, all they need is milk.

  7. Lee

    My baby is 3 months 4 days am HIV positive Is it possible to gve the baby porridge

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thully,

    In the UK we usually introduce solids at 6 months, your baby should still be OK. Mixed feeding with solids is more of a problem with very small babies.

  9. Thully

    Hey Lisa my baby he tested negative at 15 weeks I’m only breastfeeding now he’s is 5 months the problem is that my family started feeding thim soft porrige and danone i want to know he might be infected

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vuo,

    i-base advocates aren’t medical doctors, please take your baby to see a healthcare professional.


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