Q and A


My family are giving my baby water, is this OK?

I’m HIV+ mother and my baby is 3wèeks old . My CD4 count was 311 and undetectable viral load. I’m breastfeeding her and my family don;t know about my status. She tested HIV – n. Shes taking her meds as well (nvp). My worry is that now my mom believe the baby needs water so we giving her water almost every day and my breast milk is not enough for her as shes always sucking me. They say she doesn’t get full so we must feed her. I would to know what are the chances of my baby being HIV +


Thanks for getting in touch.

And congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Its also great to hear that she’s already tested negative.

Your family giving your daughter won’t influence her possible status. However, babies who are this young don’t need water. What they need is milk, and milk alone. If you feel like you aren’t producing enough milk, you may need to change to formula. However, if you do this, you must not mix feed.

The best thing to do would be to speak to your babies doctor. They will be able to tell you if she’s growing or not. If its any help some babies suckle more than others.


  1. mbali

    May I change from breastfeed my child to formula

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi Tania, thanks, congratulations on your new baby. This is such a special time and I am sorry that your mom is causing this stress/ Even though your mom probably thinks she is helping, babies do not need solid food yet – only milk for the first six months or so. So your mom shouldn’t be giving solid food yet and telling her the doctor said this might help.

    Please do not worry about HIV though. If your viral load is undetectable and you are breastfeeding, the mixed feeding will not affect the risk of HIV.

    It sounds like you are doing a great job when it must sometimes be difficult – but yopur baby wont be at increased risk of HIV by this.

  3. Tania

    Hi I’m hiv+ mother I’m breastfeeding my mom is give my baby a babies food once a day and she doesn’t know that I’m hiv+ and my babies is 1 month old I’m very scared

    Can she be infected

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emeline, please speak to your doctor about what to do.

  5. Emeline

    please its urgent my baby is 1mth1weeek now he had stomach pain and temperature i gave him efferegant syrup and tributine syrup my viral load is undetectable now is over 1 week 5days he has not stool his on nevirapine what should I do for him to stool? my breast is also painful

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Anon – congratulations on your new baby – it sounds like you have done everything right and that your baby will be HIV negative. HIV meds are really good at protecting both your health and that of your baby.

    Even though gripe water is not needed – and it is not proven to work – using this a few times will not have affected the risk of HIV.

    We always say to talk about these questions with your doctor too. This is because your doctor knows much more about your medical history and your life in general.

  7. Anonymous

    Hey, Please Keep me anonymous. I discovered I was HIV+ while six months pregnant and was put on ART immediately and by the time I was delivering my viral load was lower than detectable. At six weeks my babies results came back negative as I was using zidovudine and nevirapine and now I started using gripe water, bonnisan, neopeptine drops to easen the stomach issues my baby has. Please, do you think it will make my baby turn out positive at the end of it all?
    I am a exclusively breastfeeding.

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Cynthia, congratulations on your new baby, this is great news.

    Please talk to your clinic about this as each country has slightly different ways to treat the baby.

    More info is at this link but please talk to your clinic too.

  9. Cynthia

    Hie want to ask my baby he is turning 2months on the 18 March is he supposed to remain on Nevirapine or they will change the Medication

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi Nomvula, congratulations on your new baby – you are doing really well and it is good you check about this. If your viral load is undetectable on ART then it is okay to sometimes use beastmilk and sometimes formula. It is good your baby is also taking nevirapine. You are doing everything to keep your baby well and to protect him from HIV.


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