Q and A


My family are giving my baby water, is this OK?

I’m HIV+ mother and my baby is 3wèeks old . My CD4 count was 311 and undetectable viral load. I’m breastfeeding her and my family don;t know about my status. She tested HIV – n. Shes taking her meds as well (nvp). My worry is that now my mom believe the baby needs water so we giving her water almost every day and my breast milk is not enough for her as shes always sucking me. They say she doesn’t get full so we must feed her. I would to know what are the chances of my baby being HIV +


Thanks for getting in touch.

And congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Its also great to hear that she’s already tested negative.

Your family giving your daughter won’t influence her possible status. However, babies who are this young don’t need water. What they need is milk, and milk alone. If you feel like you aren’t producing enough milk, you may need to change to formula. However, if you do this, you must not mix feed.

The best thing to do would be to speak to your babies doctor. They will be able to tell you if she’s growing or not. If its any help some babies suckle more than others.


  1. Yolanda

    Hi my baby is 7 weeks and I stop to breastfeed because they are not full and my doctor stopped to drink Nevaripin she give novatrim so can I give Grape water bcz they are struggle to poop am using formula Nan Perlagon

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Alitha, congratulations on having a baby. 5 months is still a little young to be giving baby extra feed like purity and cereal.

    How is baby being fed now? If you are just breastfeeding it is advised to continue to do so until baby is 6 months. This is because switching between feeds earlier than 6 months can irritate baby’s tummy increasing risk of transmission.

    Does baby need more feed? Is it possible to express so that you have extra feed for when you are not breastfeeding?

  3. Alitha

    My daughter is 5months old and she drinks nevirapine am I able to give her for like purity and cereal?

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nankong, how old is baby now? and how is baby being fed? Giving baby water for a few days will not have caused any problems.

    Regardless of if baby is being breastfed or formula fed, they shouldn’t need to have any water. This is because baby can fill up on water and it is then difficult for baby to feed and get the food they need.

  5. Nankong

    I gave my 3 days ago baby water for a week can I stop till the 6 months time

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Portia, at 3 weeks baby is still too young to be given anything other than breastmilk/formula and any medication they have been prescribed by the doctor. Why do you want to give baby green tea?

  7. Portia

    My baby is 3 weeks can I give him green tea

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mbali, congratulations on having a baby. It is great to hear that you are undetectable and baby is off nevirapine.

    It isn’t recommended to mix feed until baby is at least 6 months when they can start having solids. If baby is not getting the full nutrition they need from breastfeeding it would be recommended that they switch to only formula feed.

  9. Mbali

    Hi my baby is six weeks old and my viral load is undetectable..and she’s off nervaripine can I start giving her food like porridge or cerelac cause she doesn’t get full im breastfeeding her

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi Mbali, yes, so long as your viral load is undetectable, it is okay to switch. Please also talk to your clinic though.


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