
Will I always test HIV positive even with undetectable viral load?

If I am undetectable and I take a common HIV test, will the result be positive or negative?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Even when someones viral load is undetectable, they will always test positive for HIV.

This is because the HIV test  looks for whether your immune system has reacted to HIV. Even if a cure for HIV is discovered, this immune test will still be positive.

Viral load looks directly for the virus. Having an undetectable viral load on treatment is very good. It means that so long as you keep taking your meds you will net get drug resistance.

It also means that your partners are protected from HIV, even if you do not use a condom.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi John,

    Please see HIV Travel for details.

  2. John

    Which all the country required HIV test for work VISA or PR VISA?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Joseph,

    They’ll probably find more than one way. One method would be to make it easy to detect sleeping HIV infected CD4 cells. These are in the viral reservoir. Please see this page from ART in pictures. These are the cells that HIV treatment (ART) doesn’t reach at the moment.

    But there’s much more info in ART in pictures, including the HIV cure puzzle.

  4. Joseph

    Now which method then will they use to detect the petient is cured if a cure for HIV/Aids is found in future

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lucy,

    When someone misses their meds for a few days, their viral load will restart to rebound. There is the possibility that it could be detectable again within 3 days. However to know this for sure a viral load test would need to be done.

    If the situation that you described happened to you, though the risks are small, then as a precration I would suggest that your partner test. Are you now back on meds?

  6. Bucy

    Hi am lucy
    If your viral load is undetectable and then you missed your meds for 3days can you infect your negative male partner?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Manu,

    Please see Q’s 1 and 8 here:

  8. Manu

    I have doubt of HIV infection after a suspected exposure, so i have done some HIV test like dot method after 34 days, ELISA after 45 days, HIV PROVIRAL DNA by PCR after 53 days and ELFA DUO after 99 days. All test are negative. Now 114 days completed of exposure and i am continuously feeling fatigue, headache, little diarrhea and a little fever. Please explain me should i worry for it or forget the past. During those test i was feeling same problem with sore throat. Is it possible that a man is having HIV symptoms can be get a false negative report. Please explain me in detail..i will be s thankful to you.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Innocent,

    There’s a lot of info on our site about HIV. Please see here.

  10. Innocent

    I want more info about HIV.