
Will I always test HIV positive even with undetectable viral load?

If I am undetectable and I take a common HIV test, will the result be positive or negative?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Even when someones viral load is undetectable, they will always test positive for HIV.

This is because the HIV test  looks for whether your immune system has reacted to HIV. Even if a cure for HIV is discovered, this immune test will still be positive.

Viral load looks directly for the virus. Having an undetectable viral load on treatment is very good. It means that so long as you keep taking your meds you will net get drug resistance.

It also means that your partners are protected from HIV, even if you do not use a condom.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Curious, HIV medication works by suppressing HIV. It is a treatment and not a cure.

    It will suppress your HIV and you can test as undetectable. This is not the same as testing negative. An HIV antibody test will still test positive even if you have an undetectable viral load.

    Gammora is not a treatment for HIV. It does not work. The single study that reports it being effective has not been backed up by further studies or repeated on a a wider scale. It is a case report of one person highlighting the invalidity of the study.

    HIV ART is currently the only treatment for HIV that is proven to work and is evidence based.

  2. curious

    for how long will i be taking my medication and will i still be tested positive if the virus is cured from me i.e if i talk the new drug that cure hiv (Gammora plus)

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lyn, I am sorry to hear about how you are feeling. Have you been to speak with anyone about this e.g., your doctor or even friends/family?

    A viral load of 27 is excellent. It means your treatment is working and that HIV is as low as it can be. A viral load of 27 is considered undetectable. When this low it means HIV is not having any impact on your immune system and your body is able to recover. Do you know what your CD4 count is? and what HIV treatment are you taking?

    What issues have you been having at work? and how long have they been ongoing for? Your HIV treatment is working as well as it can, is there something other than HIV that can be causing these difficulties you are experiencing? and has work offered to do anything to make the environment easier for you?

  4. Lyn

    Hi. My name is Lyn I have been having issues with every work I get because of medical requirement they ask later after I have begun working and I feel like I’m giving up on this fight. Someone encourage me please. How is 27 copies? I’m I doing bad with the medication?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Cyril, it is great to hear how long you have been on treatment for. How is your health in general?

    Unfortunately you will still test positive. HIV treatment works by suppressing your viral load. This is why you can become undetectable on treatment but still remain HIV positive.

    Tests used to confirm HIV status look for antibodies. These are cells the body makes in response to HIV infection. They act like a memory for your immune system and once you have them, they do not go away which is why you will remain testing HIV positive.

  6. Cyril

    I am have been HIV positive, taking ARV for 17 years now if I go for hiv test will I be positive or negative?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Abubakar, a viral load of 35 is excellent. There treatment is working and they cannot pass on HIV.

    A viral load this low is still considered clinically undetectable. This person is doing everything right and there is nothing they need to change.

    Had your patients that are testing negative had their results confirmed? Only an antibody test should be used to confirm HIV status. After someone has made HIV antibodies they will always test positive and there is no way to reverse this.

  8. Abubakar

    Good day. My name is Abubakar, a naturopathic doctor from Nigeria. Most of my patients got a viral load of less than 20 and some tested negative. The last person messaged me now that her own is 35 copies. What do you suggest? Thanks

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Liss, have you had this negative test confirmed?

  10. Liss

    Hi I’ve been living with hiv for 15 but I tested negative, am I free from hiv