Q and A


Is it OK to take TB meds as well as ARVs?

I’ve been taking my ARVs together with my TB resistance tablet, will this affect it working on my body?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Its very common that someone who is positive and on ARVs will also be using TB drugs. They’ll both work as they should do. The ARVs on the HIV, and the TB drugs will help prevent you contracting TB.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Karbo,

    Atroiza, which is a generic version of Atripla, is usually taken in the evening. However, as long as you don’t have any side effects, then yes, it can be taken in the morning. Try the change and see how you feel.

  2. Karabo

    Can i take my Atroiza in the morning

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nosipho,

    What ARVs are you taking?

  4. Nosipho

    Hi idah

    I am HIV positive and taking ARV so they gave me treatment of TB to prevent it.so my question is that can I take my ARV same time as tb treatment

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Kgosiame, if the Winthop pils are not ARVs then this is not enough. HIV can only be treated using HIV meds (ARVs). If someone stops ARVs then HIV will be damaging their immune system again and they will become ill. Please advice your friend to contact the HIV clinic. The clinic will then help them start HIV meds again. Do you know why they stopped ARVs? If this was de to side effects, there should be another combination that might be easier.

  6. Kgosiame

    If someone is hiv positive and taking Winthrop pills but doesn’t take his ARVs? Should that person go to the clinic for ARVs or is fine to continue taking only the Winthrop pill?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thoko,

    When someone is positive, if they have a low CD4 count it’s common that they’ll be given TB meds as a precaution. If you’re living in a house with someone who has TB then being on anti TBs may help. To know for sure why you’ve been given Winthrop, you’ll need to consult your doctor.

  8. Thoko

    Hi I’m Thoko
    I was diagnosed with HIV n aslo given the Winthrop but at that time I did not have any symptom of tb but but living with someone who was diagnosed with tb n taking medication.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Idah,

    I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. But it sounds great that you’ve started HIV treatment, along with treatment to prevent TB, without side effects.

    What does the clinic say about your diagnosis, was it late?

    What HIV meds are you taking? If you have access to your CD4 count and viral load, please let us know what they are.

  10. Idah

    Recently tested positive but don’t have any side effects also given meds to prevent tb no side effects think u get side effects when u start medication a lil bit late


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