Q and A


Is it OK to take TB meds as well as ARVs?

I’ve been taking my ARVs together with my TB resistance tablet, will this affect it working on my body?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Its very common that someone who is positive and on ARVs will also be using TB drugs. They’ll both work as they should do. The ARVs on the HIV, and the TB drugs will help prevent you contracting TB.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Alvina, where in the world are you and your cousin based? People who are found to be HIV positive should be started on ART immediately. Even if someone is Tb positive and is being treated, it is still recommended that the treatments be started together. Has your doctor explained why they did not start them at the same time?

    Has your cousin had any testing to find out their viral load and CD4 count?

  2. Alvina

    Hi my cousin found out he has HIV about a month ago and after that he was told he also have TB but the doctor have not place him on HIV tablets but only gave him the TB treatment please advise me on how to help him.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Buhle, what is the name of the ARVs you are taking?

  4. Buhle

    Hello is good to take Salonex 300 with Arvs? The will be no side effects?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Weza,

    Are you using ARVs? If you are, please see here: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/ If you’re not, then so far your husband has been very lucky.

  6. Weza

    I have been 2 years HIV sleeping with my husband and even we r still 2gether when he go 4 check up he s negative plz guys look 4 ur self


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