Q and A


I’m not on meds, can I transmit HIV?

My CD4 count is 380, can I transmit HIV? I’m not on meds.


Yes, HIV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

If your viral load is detectable and you are not on meds, you risk transmitting HIV unless they are either on PrEP or you use condoms.

However, if your viral load is undetectable on meds, this prevent the risk of HIV transmission..


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Connie,

    No you can’t transmit HIV like this.

  2. Connie

    can I transfer HIV to my partner through kissing if the viral dose is detected?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kabelo,

    Though the risks will be much less than if a persons viral load was high, a viral load of 385 still means that its detectable. Therefore, until it goes below 50 there’s still a chance that you could transmit.

  4. Kabelo

    How about if the person’s viral load is 385,,is it still transmitted?


  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kabelo,

    When a man is circumcised the risk is less, however until someone is on treatment and undetectable, the risk is still there. Therefore, you should use condoms.

  6. Kabelo

    Is HIV easily transmitted from women to men even if you are circumsized


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