Q and A


How can I increase my CD4 count?

Hi i was diagnosed HIV positive in June 2017 when my CD4 count was 18.

I live abroad and had TB and pneumonia one after the other and was in hospital. I started antivirals about a week later after my CD4 result came back.

By October 2017, my viral load is 26 and my CD4 count is 288.

My Thai doctor said to take my tablet at the same time everyday this. I have don’t this and drink coconut milk and eat pumpkin this I have done 3 times a week since being diagnosed.

I still have a runny nose and my chest cough and I’d like to know if there are other things I can do to increase my CD4 and reduce my viral load?



Thanks for getting in touch.

From your results its clear that you’re doing very well. An increase  in CD4 from 18 to 288 in a matter of months is amazing. In time this will rise even more.

Your viral load is undetectable, so as long as you keep taking you HIV meds, you don’t need to take additional medicine.

The cough and runny nose are not likely to be related to HIV. This might just be coincidence that you have a cold for example.

It is good to look after other things in your life – i.e. reducing stress and having goals to be happy. Eating a balance diet is good, and keeping mentally and physically active is also good for the long term – plus not smoking.

The HIV meds are all you needs for your CD4 count and viral load.


  1. Nonjabulo

    Hy my sister Had cd4 count it 80 and she been cough for a long time. Dry cough and nurse gave her immune boost injection and yesterday she started her medication Tribuss. What can help her to stop cough

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi John,

    Sorry to hear that your wife has had an allergic reaction. But it’s good that the rashes are disappearing.

    What does the doctor say? You can ask if they are going to re-start with different HIV meds. This sounds sensible because your wife can again have a reaction to the first HIV meds.

    You can also check with the doctor about the severity of allergic reaction. Taking the old HIV meds again can be dangerous.

  3. John

    My wife started her ART med but after 9 days of medication rashes appeared on her thigh,hands and neck.We consulted our doctor,he said its a reaction, so he, prescribed Dexona for allergy and asked to stop ART med for a week as her CD4 count is 369 and to continue after that.After taking allergy med rashes are disappearing but i want to know whether it will be OK if she stop the med for a week?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi John,

    It’s good to keep in touch while you’re starting HIV treatment. Do you mean Telura? It’s similar to Atripla, please see here for the other brand names. It’s a treatment that is used very widely. And it’s safe and it’s effective.

    Please let us know how it goes. Best wishes, Roy

  5. John

    Hi,Lisa.I am very thankful to you for keeping in touch with me. Px
    Tenoko virtual Disoproxil Furmarate,Lamivudine and Efavirenz Tablets.My doctor has prescribed this and I have started taking it since last evening.I hope and prayer that it will work.

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi John,

    Thanks for letting us know. It’s good that you’re starting ART today. ART can dramatically reduce the amount of HIV in your blood in the first few days of treatment. And that can give your CD4 count the chance to start to recover.

    Do you have access to your viral load result? What HIV meds are you taking?

  7. John

    Hi, thank you so much for keeping in touch.My doctor has prescribed nortipan for my nerve as I have postherpetic neuralgia, an antibiotic,and a food supplement.I will be starting my ART med from 26th as adviced by my doctor.I am scared and troubled.

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi John,

    It’s a good idea to start ART at any CD4 count. 83 is a low CD4 count and it’s important you talk to your doctor about starting ART soon.

    We are not doctors at i-Base. So it’s a good idea to ask your doctor for any treatment for the postherpatic neuralgia. Do you have access to your viral load result? What meds are you thinking of starting?

  9. John

    My CD4 count is 83.I have nerve problem.My doctor said its postherbitic neuralgia. it OK if I start ART med?

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi John,

    It’s great that you’re starting ART. Taking an antibiotic if you have a very low CD4 count can help to stop other infections.

    What did your doctor say about this? And what meds are you taking?


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