Q and A


How can I increase my CD4 count?

Hi i was diagnosed HIV positive in June 2017 when my CD4 count was 18.

I live abroad and had TB and pneumonia one after the other and was in hospital. I started antivirals about a week later after my CD4 result came back.

By October 2017, my viral load is 26 and my CD4 count is 288.

My Thai doctor said to take my tablet at the same time everyday this. I have don’t this and drink coconut milk and eat pumpkin this I have done 3 times a week since being diagnosed.

I still have a runny nose and my chest cough and I’d like to know if there are other things I can do to increase my CD4 and reduce my viral load?



Thanks for getting in touch.

From your results its clear that you’re doing very well. An increase  in CD4 from 18 to 288 in a matter of months is amazing. In time this will rise even more.

Your viral load is undetectable, so as long as you keep taking you HIV meds, you don’t need to take additional medicine.

The cough and runny nose are not likely to be related to HIV. This might just be coincidence that you have a cold for example.

It is good to look after other things in your life – i.e. reducing stress and having goals to be happy. Eating a balance diet is good, and keeping mentally and physically active is also good for the long term – plus not smoking.

The HIV meds are all you needs for your CD4 count and viral load.


  1. Lukas

    Hi my name is Lukas. I just discovered that I’m HIV positive and my CD4 count is 197 so I was asking how can I increase it without taking medication because these medications have side effects. Most of my time now I’m spending it alone thinking that I’m going to die without even finishing my matric so please I need help.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nonhlanhla,

    Its great to hear that you’ve started medication, this is just what you need to do so that your HIV can be controlled. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/guides/starting

    Though a CD4 of 146 is low, now that you’re on medication this will increase. And no, you aren’t going to die from HIV.

  3. Nonhlanhla

    Hi my name is nonhlanhla I just started my treatment n my CD4 is 146..how can I increase.. Is my life in danger pls help

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sli,

    Please can you give us a bit more info? What is your viral load? Do you have access to treatment?

    The CD4 count can be reported in different ways. Please see this link for more info.

  5. Sli

    Hi what does it mean if my CD4 is 6 L?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Rahul,

    Is your father on treatment? If he is then he’s already doing the best thing possible for his health. If he isn’t he’s going to need to start. Do you know what his CD4 count is?

  7. Rahul

    My father has hiv + ve . 3weeks ago.. Can u plz helpe out

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Veerabhadra,

    Is your father on medication for the HIV? If he is then he’s already doing the best thing possible. ARV’s control a person HIV. If he’s not on ARVs, he’ll need to start.

  9. Veerabhadra

    I need help my father is HIV positive CD4 is 240. Hemoglobin is 4.6. And ESR 120. Platelets is. 0.60. What to do next. To recover all.

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nonjabulo,

    I’m sorry to hear your sister has been unwell. But it’s good news that she’s started to take Tribuss. Taking HIV treatment (called ART) like Tribuss can help her immune system recover and can increase her CD4 count.

    Was the immune boost injection an antibiotic? Antibiotic treatment is usually given to people who test HIV positive and have a low CD4 count, such as 80.

    It’s a good idea for your sister to ask the nurse if the antibiotics should be continued. She can also ask how long it might take to help stop her cough.

    Here’s a picture from ART in pictures that shows how starting ART can help the CD4 count to recover.


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