Q and A


How can I increase my CD4 count?

Hi i was diagnosed HIV positive in June 2017 when my CD4 count was 18.

I live abroad and had TB and pneumonia one after the other and was in hospital. I started antivirals about a week later after my CD4 result came back.

By October 2017, my viral load is 26 and my CD4 count is 288.

My Thai doctor said to take my tablet at the same time everyday this. I have don’t this and drink coconut milk and eat pumpkin this I have done 3 times a week since being diagnosed.

I still have a runny nose and my chest cough and I’d like to know if there are other things I can do to increase my CD4 and reduce my viral load?



Thanks for getting in touch.

From your results its clear that you’re doing very well. An increase  in CD4 from 18 to 288 in a matter of months is amazing. In time this will rise even more.

Your viral load is undetectable, so as long as you keep taking you HIV meds, you don’t need to take additional medicine.

The cough and runny nose are not likely to be related to HIV. This might just be coincidence that you have a cold for example.

It is good to look after other things in your life – i.e. reducing stress and having goals to be happy. Eating a balance diet is good, and keeping mentally and physically active is also good for the long term – plus not smoking.

The HIV meds are all you needs for your CD4 count and viral load.


  1. Kenzo

    Hi i was diagnose with HIV positive in 2018 and my CD4 count is 7 and i had TB and pneumonia but after i take HIV meds my CD4 goes up to 81 after 3 months, and now my CD4 count is 166

    My question is is there a chance to increase my CD4 count to the normal rate even though i came from 7?

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Solomon,

    I’m sorry to hear you were so ill and had to go into hospital. But it’s good that your CD4 count has made some recovery.

    However, If you are taking HIV meds, a viral load of 258000 looks like the meds are not working as they should. Can you talk to the nurse and find out if this viral load result is a mistake? Perhaps it was written down wrongly.

    Please let us know, and also tell us what HIV meds (ARVs) you’re taking.

  3. Solomon


    In 2018 I tested positive with hiv and my cd4 count somewhere below 9. Was hospitalised and then became a medical out patient. In February 2019 my cd4 count was above 150, but yesterday’s results said my viral load was back up to 258000, how does my cd4 count compare to this normally. I could not get a clear explanation from the nurse because I take my medication every day at 21h30. How can i increase my cd4 count quicker?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Dino,

    Taking your ARVs is the only way to help increase your CD4 count.

    Starting HIV treatment (ART) can quickly reduce your viral load. This can be by 90% in the first few days. And this gives your immune system the chance to recover, so your CD4 count goes up.

    However, CD4 counts respond more slowly to ART than viral load. And there are also a wide range of responses in different people. It could take a year for you to get back over 100, and another year to get over 200.

    Although this may seem like a long time to you, because the trend is increasing, your immune system will also be getting stronger, and people don’t generally develop new infections as the same CD4 count, when they are starting treatment, compared to people at the same CD4 count who are not on HIV treatment.

    But can you talk to the doctors about your eczema? You can ask if there’s treatment to help it improve while your immune system gets stronger.

  5. Dino

    Hi, I was first diagnosed in 2005 and have been doing okay without ARVs till last year 2018 when I developed extremely severe eczema all over my body and no treatment has worked for me. I then tested my CD4 which was on 71 in July last year when I then started treatment. My latest test came back on only 248 in May 2019, which I feel is still too low for being on treatment for 12 months by end of June. The doctors keep saying the eczema will improve when my CD4 improves but the climb is too slow. How can I accelerate this increase.

  6. Sarah

    Very good sight and I love the way answers are direct, thanks. Am also positive and my cd4 as at last month was 800 and viral load is 20, some times it goes up and some time it come up what is the curse.But it has never gone below 800 and 900 since I started ARV 2002.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sarah,

    Your CD4 is very high, therefore there is nothing to be worried about. Yes one time it may be 900 then another 800, however this is normal. CD4’s fluctuate. Your viral load is undetectable, so your HIV is fully under control.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kumar,

    How long have you been taking ARVs for?
    With regards to your CD4 count its not possible to predict how high a persons CD4 count will rise too. Your count may rise to 500 and above, or it may remain in the 400’s.


    previously my cd4 count is 487 and later down as 398 and it is increased to 416 and how to maintain constant and to increase more than 500 above which food is to be taken for speedily increase when i was cd4 count 208 then my viral load is 8626 and recently checked at ggh but they informed the result next month.

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lukas,

    I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Just finding out you’re HIV positive can be a tough time for most people.

    But the only way to increase your CD4 count is to use HIV treatment (ART). The good news is that modern HIV meds are easier to take and have fewer side effects than the early meds.

    What does your doctor say about it? If you have access to treatment you can ask them which ones will fit in with your schedule. Getting the right meds for you can help you finish your matric.

    Please don’t spend time thinking you’re going to die. That’s because with modern ART your life expectancy is likely to be similar to if you were HIV negative.

    Where do you live Lukas? There might be support organisations that can help you access the best treatment.

    There’s a lot of info in this Introduction to ART.


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