Q and A


If someone’s CD4 is 560, should they be on meds?

I know someone who is HIV positive and has a CD4 count of 560 should the person start on ARVS or not?


Thanks for getting in touch.

The World Health Organisations recommendations are that everyone should be on ARVs. This is even if they have a CD4 count of 560.

Therefore, if your friend is ready to start meds, then yes, there is good evidence that shows this is recommended.

However, a few countries still wait until the CD4 count drops below 500. This is usually to prioritise access to drugs for people whose HIV is more advanced.

For more info about starting meds, please see here:


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thabisile,

    That’s a good CD4 count and it’s considered normal for someone who is HIV positive. But are you taking HIV treatment (ART)? Taking ART is the best way to protect your health, and your baby’s health.

    Women around the world have taken ART drugs safely in pregnancy now for over 20 years. The aim of ART is to get viral load to less than 50 copies (called undetectable) before your baby is born. Being undetectable can reduce the HIV risk to your baby to close to zero.

    For lots more info please see the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

  2. Thabisile

    My CD4 count is 560 and I’m 6 months pregnant does that mean I can have a healthy baby

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Almasy,

    People all over the world are working on a possible cure for HIV. However, at the moment one is yet to be found. In the meantime there are ARVs which are excellent at controlling HIV.

  4. Almasy

    Is their any hope of a cure?

  5. Dr. Sighn

    The main reason that every one should be on medication is about good health and also reduced transmission when one is undetectable.


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