Q and A


I’m on medication, can I transmit HIV?

How long does it take for the viral load to become undetectable? My boyfriend is HIV negative and I’m positive. And he wants to have unprotected sex and I’ve been insisting we use a condom because I’m not ready to disclose my HIV status yet. This makes him very angry as he does not want to use it and he has been suggesting we go for a test together but I’ve been ignoring him. He is uncircumcised so I feel the risk is higher. I’ve been on treatment for four months now. and what are the chances of me infecting him?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Firstly, if your boyfriend is getting angry with you because you prefer to use condoms then maybe he’s not the right person for you. No one has the right to be angry when it comes to sex, or insist that a person gets tested especially if they themselves are negative. This is something that you may want to think about.

With regards to your question, a persons viral load should ideally become undetectable within three months. However, this can take longer in some people. Therefore, its important that a persons viral load is tested. Once it does become undetectable it won’t be possible to transmit HIV through sexual intercourse.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Rohan – pls see Q1 at this page:

    The links from the question with have information to answer your questions.

  2. Rohan

    6th Novhember 2017 me and my married girlfried had unprotected veginal sex, afer two day 9th novhember 2017 i test HIV 1 & 2 anitibody screening test my result is negative. after immidate next day 10th Novhember 2017 my married girlfriend had took HIV 1 & 2 anitibody screening test and she is also negative….

    1) my question is that i dont know my married girlfriend on her window period, because she sexuali active with her hasband….

    2) What chance for me to HIV Positive

    please reply i am waiting for your reply


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