
I’m not adhering to my ARVs, is my partner at risk?

If am not drinking my medication well and I have sex with a person who is HIV negative will he get the virus?


Thanks for getting in touch.

If you aren’t adhering to your medication and your viral load is detectable, then yes your partner is at risk of contracting HIV from you if you’re having sex without a condom. If this is the case, they will need to test as their health could be at risk.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gabriel,

    Its definitely ok to restart, however I’d let your doctor know that you missed 10 days worth of meds as they may wish to test your viral load as well as see if you developed resistance to your meds.

  2. Gabriel

    I started Arv treatment about a month ago and skipped about 10days towards the end of the month.. Would it be okay if I restarted?