Q and A


What happens if my meds don’t work?

I was diagnosed with HIV in late October. I was then sent to an infectious disease center for further consultation with a doctor who speacializes in infectious disease treatment. I had blood work done to determine my cd4 count and viral load. This testing took 2 weeks and I returned to the Doctors Office to discuss treatment on November 16th. It was revealed to me that my CD4 count was 261 and that my viral load was 116,000+… this frightened me beyond comprehension and I was then not able to think clearly and ask the proper follow up questions. He also told me that I had a strain of the virus that tested resistant to some of the standard antiretroviral drugs on the market… I wanted to cry and sink into the floor thinking of the possibility that my virus could go untreated and that my CD4 count was so close to 200 which the doctor told me was full blown AIDS. I’m 24 years old, I tested negative for every STD besides HIV, I exercise regularly and I eat a balanced and nutritious diet.. I also feel great right now! The doctor told me he was very surprised by this and was expecting me to feel Ill because of my lab results. Also.. I am now taking Triumeq for 3 days since November 16th..I’m praying that this treatment is effective and that I am able to remain healthy and on minimal medication. Is it rare that their will be no drug that will treat my virus and that I’ll be diagnosed with AIDs? And if that happens.. what are potential options?


Thanks for getting in touch.

It sounds like you need so talk to someone who appreciates what it can be like to be diagnosed, or someone who is sympathetic.Is there a support group near to where you live, or do you have a close friend who you could talk to?

A doctor telling you that its a surprise that you feel well even if your CD4 count of 261  is highly unprofessional and simply not true. Yes a CD4 of 261 isn’t massively high, however a lot of people are diagnosed with HIV even in single figures and they like you feel well. Also the term AIDS is no longer a term that should be used among HIV professionals, it certainly wouldn’t be in the UK.

With regards to treatment options, do you know what ARVs you likely to have problems with? If you could let us know that would be ideal.

The meds that you’ve been prescribed are very effective. For more info about them, please see here:


If by some chance you do have a problem with the Triumeq there will be other options available to you. For now just see how it goes with this. For more info about starting meds and what to expect, please see here:


Now that your on meds, your CD4 count will slowly begin to rise and your viral load will quickly drop.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Emmanuel,

    It means that your body has now gotten used to the meds, this is great news.

  2. Emmnuel


    When I started ARV with the combination that contained Efavirenz like I specified, I was having some side effects like dizziness and tiredness majorly but recently I don’t have any of those effect when I take the drugs. What does it mean.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Emmanuel,

    Yes. The meds that you’re taking are commonly used and they are very effective at controlling HIV.

  4. Emmanuel

    Thanks once again Lisa

    Please is the combination of Efavirenz600mg, Lamivudine 300mg and Tenofovir DF 300mg single dose a good ARV

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Emmanuel,

    There’s no medical research that would say that you can’t eat coconut, palm wine or foods that contain line stone. Therefore, I’m not sure why you were told this. Its also perfectly fine to drink alcohol when on ARVs. What are tiger nuts?

  6. Emmanuel

    Thanks Lisa

    Please, during my counseling I was asked not to be taking coconut, palm wine, alcohol and any food that contains line stone. Do these have any defect on ART. Also can I take tiger nuts. I am on Tenfovior, Lamuvidine and Effavirenz

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Emmanuel,

    If someone is having drug resistance their viral load will have increased. There aren’t specific symptoms that would indicated drug resistance. However, please see here:


  8. Emmanuel

    If one is having drug resistance what are the likely symptoms the person may be experiencing.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tyrone,

    You’re welcome. If you need anything else either send us a message via the Q&A or send me a direct email.

  10. Tyrone

    Thank you so much for the response and advice! I truly appreciate it. I’ve been given the info about a support group that I’ll be looking into very soon. I’m unaware of which meds I’m resistant too but I will inquire. Once again thank you so much! Blessings xo


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