
My partner blames me for her positive test result but I am negative…

Hi, my partner went to a HIV test and was found to be positive BUT when l tested myself l was negative. Now she is blaming me that l am the one who gave HIV to her. please assist because l want to know if this is possible.



Although i-Base don’t answer testing questions, I wanted to ask how your partner is coping?

Do you know her CD4 count and viral load? Is she able to get HIV treatment (ART).

If you are HIV negative, you can not be the source of this infection.

If she is reacting badly, it will be good for you to support her through this time, if she wants this.

Also, if you are the only person who she has ever had contact with, it is worth double-checking her test result is accurate. Was this confirmed at a laboratory?


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi WO2,

    Sorry, I’m still not clear. Why can’t the doctors give your brother ART?

  2. WO2

    Hiv can still fail to surface even if you you are on bed and moreover doctors cannot give you art.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi WO2,

    Sorry, I’m not sure about your question. Please can you make it a bit clearer.

    But if your brother is HIV+ is he on HIV treatment? If so, what’s he taking. It would be good to know his CD4 count and viral load too.

  4. WO2

    Man my brother is hiv+ but he tested several times but the result were alwayys negative even if he was ill. Any doctor to help?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Chloe,
    Here’s a link to different types of HIV tests.

    A 4th generation test is a test for antibody and antigen. In practice, a 4th generation negative result after three months means you do not have HIV. Please see this link.

    You can ask if you had a p24+Elisa test, which is fourth generation. Or if it was an Elisa test which tests just for antibodies.

  6. Chloe

    Unprotected sex jan 3
    Rapid test april 4 result was negative
    Elisa test April 10 result was negative
    Is it conclusive?
    Thanks for answering my question