Will my baby be okay now I stopped giving him water?
2 January 2018. Related: All topics, Children, Pregnancy.
My baby is 3 weeks 6 days, he is formula feeding and i just recently found out that i should not be giving him water when he is on nevirapine and i have stopped. What negative effects does this have on my son?
You are right that your baby doesn’t need water or any other foods – just the formula milk.
Now you have change to this it will be better.
Your son is likely to be fine now, but it is also good for your doctor and nurse to advise you on this.
Congratulations on your new son too.
Hi Sinanzekile, congratulations on having a baby. If you are concerned about baby’s weight have you spoken with your doctor/health visitor?
Stopping breastfeeding exclusively is okay when moving to formula. Before 6 months it is not advised to mix feed so you will only be able to use formula for this month. When breastfeeding stops, baby can have a test 6 weeks after the last time they breastfed to confirm their HIV status.
I want to start giving my baby formula coz I think I don’t have enough milk on my breast and he is not growing well, so is it fine if I stop my baby forever the breast and he tested negative at birth and he has been taking nevapirine since birth, he stopped it after his 6 weeks injection and now he is 5 mnths
Hi Manto, thanks and congratulations on your new baby. So long as you are good at taking your own meds and your viral load is undetectable, this is likely to still be okay for your baby. Most doctors think that changing between breastfeeding and formula feeding in this situation will not be a problem, but please talk to your docotr and clinic for their advice.
Hello, I’m a mother to a 3 month old baby boy and I have recently been trying to stop breastfeeding him and give formula, however at night he would cry for my breast and I end up giving him so I’m basically mix feeding and it’s been 3 days. Sometimes my breast would be engorged since I’m trying to stop breastfeeding. I’m undectable since I was pregnant. And 2 of my babies test have been negative. What are the chances that I have infected him??