Q and A


What will boost my CD4 count?

Hi i was given Atenaf 2weeks back with my partner, then we did blood tests..results showed that my CD4 is lower. they gave me winthrop,Nucotrim..do i need to take them both as they seem to do the same thing?And what is good way for me to boost my CD4 count?


Thanks for getting in touch.

CD4’s are boosted/increased by ARVs, therefore you’re already doing the best thing possible.

You’ve said that your CD4 is low, do you know what it is?

With regards to the other medications that you’ve been given, this is something that you should talk to your doctor about as they should be able to explain why you’ve been given them. They are however commonly given to people when their CD4 is less than 200.


  1. Ncamisile

    I’m HIV positive , I take arvs for ten years now but I have running stomach and period for long time , when I ate something I have pain in my stomach,I go to the nearest clinic they give me Hy-an and Omeprazole it’s right for me .

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thuli,

    I’m not sure about your question. Are you HIV positive? This website gives treatment info to people who are living with HIV. Please can you make your comment clearer.

    I can’t find Nustrim when I google it. I don’t think Nustrim is a medication that’s used to treat HIV.

  3. Thuli

    Hi I went to the doctor am in pain of my womb and my heart bite too fast he never wanted me listen to me he just check the pain on my womb an asked me about my period the they gave me pills ( Nustrim )(panado ) (Ctamol) then they were in need of my cash but I was no satisfied because he never gave me a chance to ask about NUSTRIM an when I checked on Google it explained about NUSTRIM it tell that it boost the CD4 co….first thing I always test an find out that am negative but he gave me this pills for what some other doctors are not taking us serious they just want to kill people just like that

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sibusiso,

    I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. But it’s good that you’ve started HIV treatment (ART). What meds are you taking in your ART? Starting ART is the best way to help boost your immune system and your CD4 count.

    Nucotrim is an antibiotic. It is given to people with low CD4 counts to protect against other infections, such as pneumonia. But antibiotics can be stopped once the CD4 count recovers to a stronger level.

    But can you talk to the doctor about your results? Do you have access the your CD4 count and viral load results?

  5. Sibusiso

    Hi get tested around november last year and am hiv posetive and and I find my cd4c was to low and I stated a tritnment 22 november but today is Monday 14 January they gave me Nucotrim so wanna know is good for me ? Should I go for it to boost my cd4c because I don’t even like food

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cindy,

    What ARVs are you taking? Perhaps they made a mistake with the viral load result. If you’re taking ARVs every day your viral load should not be 227,000.

    If you are pregnant it’s important that your meds get the viral load result to undetectable before you have your baby.

    So it’s important that you talk to the clinic about your viral load result. If it is 227,000 you can ask the doctor to change your ARVs as soon as possible.

    Please let us know what they say.

  7. Cindy

    Hi so I went to get my results for viral load and they showed that my viral load is 227 000 which is surprising because I take arvs every day at the same time,I don’t drink alcohol or smoke, can nucrotrim and arvs help decrease viral load? I’m worried that I will infect my child? Please advise

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cindy,

    As the above post explains, its ARVs that increase a persons CD4 count. If you’re already on ARVs, then you’re doing the right thing.

  9. Cindy

    Hi im pregnant and my cd4 is 197 what can i do to increase it?

  10. Gloria

    Thanks lisa last nyt i dd nt eat 2much….my problem is food…….i slept well


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