
My viral load is detectable and I’m pregnant.

I’ve been on medication since 2015. My viral load is still detectable and I’m losing weight. I’m worried because I’m pregnant.


Thanks for getting in touch.

If your viral load is still detectable, this is a sign that your medication isn’t working like it should. This is something that you will need to talk to your doctor about. They should run some tests to see if you’re resistant to your meds. There’s more about this here:

Due to you being pregnant its important that you’re on the right combination.This is because ARVs reduce the risk of transmission to babies. This is discussed here:


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gatwiri,

    If you’re wanting to meet someone who is positive, have you thought about joining a HIV support group? Depending on where you live, there’s also online forums for people who are positive who offer dating services.

  2. Gatwiri

    Am Hiv positive lady,n in need of someone serious to live with for the rest off ma lyf.How can i get this husband with the same status?


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