Q and A


I have uveitis, am I HIV positive?

I have been diagnosed with Uveitis which has caused blurring of my vision. I am being treated for this and have also had a STI test and they found that I have syphilis. This is now being treated with penicillin. I was at my clinic yesterday and they urged me to have a HIV test. The lady said she would not lie to me it is a strong possibility that I have HIV too. Does this mean I DO have it?

I’m really terrified at the moment. I’m in tears as I write this. I really am so scared I have HIV too.


Thank you for your question.

Firstly please don’t be upset. I know it is a lot to take in but you won’t know if you are HIV positive until you have your test results back. A HIV test is the only way to know if you are HIV positive.  Anyone with an STI is strongly encouraged to go for a HIV test.

Eye problems including uveitis are common amongst HIV positive people but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have HIV. If the uveitis is HIV-related it will probably mean you need to think about starting HIV treatment. Therefore you should try to go for a HIV test as soon as possible. You can call your health advisor to talk about this if you want more information or you can call us.

If you find out you are HIV negative then there are ways in which you can protect yourself to make sure you remain negative. For more information on prevention methods please follow this link

If you find out you are HIV positive then there are treatments available which will give you a good quality and a long life expectancy. If you want further information on this then please e-mail or phone us and we are happy to help and offer any support you may need.

For further information on HIV testing please follow this link

Alternatively you can call our phoneline on 0800 800 6013 (Mon-Wed 12-4pm)