Q and A


Just diagnosed, how do I keep my girlfriend safe?

I have tested positive 4 days ago. But I have a girlfriend and I can’t stay without her. What should I do to keep her safe?? And how can I live like a normal people without transmitting hiv? How much the hiv medication cost?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Being diagnosed can be a shock, is there anyone who you can talk to? A close friend or a relative?
Treatment is free in Bangladesh. If your test was done in a clinic they should be able to give you advice about medication and where to get it. They should also run some tests to see what your CD4 count is as well as your viral load.
With regards to transmitting. Have you been having unprotected sex with your girlfriend? If you have then she will need to test. This is important as she too could be positive.
If you’ve been using condoms then its important to continue to use these. Once you’re on medication and your viral load is undetectable you’ll then be able to stop using condoms as you won’t be able to transmit.
There’s info about starting medication here:


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