Q and A


Am I HIV positive?

I am a 23 year old boy. During the last week of Dec 2006 I went to a massage parlour in India. There I got a hand-job from a lady. I did not have sex. I never kissed her but I sucked her breast. She licked my chest and nipples. 43 days later I got tested for HIV using the TRI-DOT test. The result was negative. My doctor said it is accurate and that I don’t need any further tests. According to him I was not at any risk.

I am again worried that I might be infected but my doctor said that I don’t need another test. Am I safe? Please answer me as I am very worried.


Thank you for your question.

Your doctor is right. You cannot get HIV from a hand-job or from saliva. If your test was negative after 43 days and you have not put yourself at any further risk since then, then you do not have HIV.

For more information on testing and transmission please follow this link to the i-Base factsheet.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Marco,

    Yes its perfectly safe to give someone a hand job. For how HIV is transmitted please see Q1 here:


  2. Marco

    Is it safe to give someone a handjob?