Q and A


What does lower than detectable mean?

I’ve just been told that I’m lower than detectable, what does that mean?


Thanks for getting in touch.

When someone is told that they are lower than detectable, this is referring to your viral load. Put simply, it means that your HIV is under control. There’s more info about being lower than detectable and why its important:




  1. Sravanthi

    Hi, I tested positive in 2017 with CD4 of 1043 and Viral load is <45.00. what is the less than detectable? I was planed to 2nd child? Pls tell me.

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Solomon,

    It sounds good that your doctor will keep monitoring your test results.

    But what did he say? Did he suggest that you might be an elite controller? An Elite Controller is an HIV positive person whose immune system keeps viral load undetectable for more than five years without HIV treatment (ART).

    Please let us know what HIV meds he prescribed.

    And please see more about Elite Controllers at this link.

  3. solomon

    Hi, I tested positive in 2017 with CD4 of 840 and Viral load below 40. The doctor said I would start treatment later on. I only went to see the doctor this 2020. CD4 dropped to 700 and Viral load stabilized at below 40. He prescribed start of treatment since he was not happy with the CD4 drop. Is it normal to have static viral load while decreasing CD4? it looks strange. He said we will keep monitoring on monthly basis.

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Carol,

    The short answer is yes. Being undetectable on HIV treatment (ART) means you can not transmit HIV to your partner, even if you don’t use condoms.

    For more info please see Undetectable = Untransmittable here.

  5. Carol

    Was told I’m lower than detectable does it mean I can’t trasmit the virus to my partner

  6. Neecy

    Thank you so much Lisa Thorley for that clarificationmuch appreciated

  7. Neecy

    Hi I was Diagnosed with Hiv in 2009 went for my checkup in April last year. My results came back and the hiv shows lower than detectable. Can I still infect my partner. We have been using condoms before but not anymore. He is going for a medical check up to renew his pdp what I want to know is if it’s possible that traces of HIV will be visible in his blood with the medical done.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Neecy,

    If your viral load is undetectable, there’s no risk. Please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Given,

    It’s great to hear that your partner has a strong CD4 count and that their viral load is undetectable. It looks like her HIV meds are working well.

    The good news is that when your viral load is undetectable on HIV treatment (ART), you can not transmit HIV even if you don’t use condoms. Please see Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) at this link.

  10. given

    hi Lisa I am job negative male and my partner is hiv positive female we have been having condomless sex for 7months now her cd4 count is 600 and viral load 50 copies

    now I have tested three times after the exposure and the results came negative..


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