Q and A


Can I use ARVs instead of PrEP?

My girlfriend has tested positive and on arvs,and I have tested negative, can i drink arvs to prevent myself since i am in South Africa and can’t afford the prep meds.



ARVs and PrEP use the same drugs.

But ARV combinations (called ART) use three HIV drugs and PrEP only uses two drugs (tenofovir DF and emtricitabine).

PrEP should be available free in South African clinics.

You can’t use your partners ARVs for PrEP.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi James, while on PrEP you do not need to use a condom. PrEP taken as prescribed will prevent HIV transmission. PrEP: https://i-base.info/guides/prep

  2. James

    If you’re HV negative you slept with someone are HV positive take ARV and I drink prep I’m safe to sleep without condom

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ntombi, has your partner had tests for his viral load and CD4 count? As there is potential you have been exposed, PEP would be more suitable than PrEP but taking PrEP can still help if you cannot access PEP. PrEP would be more suitable after you are sure of your status and are wanting to be protected from further exposures. You can also use a condom. Has your partner started ART?

  4. Mantombi

    Hi I’m ntombi 25

    I went to do an hiv tests results with a partner he was found positive and was still negative but my fear now is we both or mybe me alone I don’t know that for how long the virus been living in his system tried to ask him about it and he said he doesn’t know he was so sure that he’s negative so as he was found positive second following day I ran to the hospital and ask.for help they gave me prep the question is since we didn’t know for how long is prep gonna help or mybe can help or they should had given me pep instead?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lebohang, are you HIV positive? What are you using this medication for?

  6. Lebohang

    At clinic they gave me emtroc tablets as part of prep for a period of four months today on check up after testing negative they gave me acriptega it’s also form of prep

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Willie, yes Acriptega is safe for both short and long term use. Acriptega is a generic version of TLD. TLD is a treatment used as PEP and as active management of HIV.

  8. Willie

    Good day

    At the clinic, the Nurse gave me Acriptega pills after I had unprotected sex. is this safe? long story short

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Andrew, my main worry is what drugs did your partner use if you took their’s for so long? It would be okay to take one or two doses if, for example, you just forgot to carry you meds with you one time. It is not good for you to take them for so long though. This is because HIV treatment uses three drugs and PrEP only includes two meds.

  10. Andrew

    My partner is on ART.when my Prep was finished I used her ART drugs for abt 3 months before I resumed to take my own Prep.My question is whether ART drugs taken by HIV positive people are safe to use as Prep.


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