Q and A


Can I use ARVs instead of PrEP?

My girlfriend has tested positive and on arvs,and I have tested negative, can i drink arvs to prevent myself since i am in South Africa and can’t afford the prep meds.



ARVs and PrEP use the same drugs.

But ARV combinations (called ART) use three HIV drugs and PrEP only uses two drugs (tenofovir DF and emtricitabine).

PrEP should be available free in South African clinics.

You can’t use your partners ARVs for PrEP.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Xolile, PrEP is only used to prevent HIV transmission via sex. If you are abstaining from sex there is no reason to be on PrEP as there would be no risk of exposure.

  2. Xolile

    What happens If I stoop Prep and decide to abstain’?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Memory, yes this is correct.

    Though PrEP and ARVs can use the same drugs. The difference is PrEP will only contain 2, whereas ARVs used to treat is a combination of 3 drugs.

    Usually this is always as one tablet.

  4. Memory

    Hi can I say Prep is a preventive medicine and Arv is a treatment

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Daizy, do you mean your fiancé has an undetectable viral load? This is likely because he is on TLD.

    When on treatment with an undetectable viral load it means there is no risk of transmission. You can have sex without a condom and HIV cannot be passed on. You do not need to be worried. This is called U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  6. Daizy

    My fiance is on TLD treatment,but his HIV status is negative,i had an intercourse with him about 6weeks ago and am still testing negative,should i worry

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Charles, ARVs are a prescribed medication. This means that they should only be used for the person that they were prescribed to. As you are on ARVs do you know your viral load? If it is below 200 there would be no need for your partners to use PEP. When below 200 it is impossible to pass on HIV via sex. This is explained by U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    Do your partners have access to PrEP? This would be more suitable than using PEP. It is a treatment used before exposure to prevent transmission, instead of taking it after.

  8. Charles

    Why can’t you my partners ARVs as Pep,

    Then ,can I use ARVs as pep

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kenny, PrEP and ARVs use the same medication. What was the name of the ARVs you usually take and the PrEP you were given? Why do you think the nurse did this deliberately? How long have you been taking this different medication?

  10. Kenny

    My arv medication was deliberately swopped with prep instead.
    Can I sue the nurse for attempting to kill me?
    Because I became severely ill before I discovered what had happened


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