Q and A


Can I access monitoring tests in South East Asia?

I have been HIV+ since 2000 and, except for the last year during when I was between jobs, I have always been living and working overseas.

I am currently due to move to vietnam for a new job.

While i intend to keep consulting my HIV doctor at home twice a year, I was wondering whether there are any center(s) you can recommend in South East Asia (for example Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong) where I can take extensive blood tests at the same level of quality that I would at home.

For practical reasons, it would be helpful to be able to take the tests in South East Asia shortly before returning home to visit my doctor so as to keep the home return trip relatively short.

I hope you can provide me with some assistance.

many thanks


As HIV is being treated in all the countries you mention, it should be possible to find a doctor that cna run these tests for you, especially if you are paying for private health care.

You may want to check the entry policies of countries before seeking HIV care there thouhg as although HIV-positive poeple travel everywhere, accessing health care may cause problems with some visa requirements.

I think it is a very good idea that you stay in contact with your current doctor and treatment centre.

I’m sorry that I can’t recommend specific hospitals as this is outside my knowledge, but you could try seaching google for HIV organisations in each country.


  1. victor

    thanks so much for such a speedy reply. i entirely agree with your advice to look into the policies of each country first: as such, i have never previously sought any specifically hiv-related medical assistance in vietnam nor in singapore for the very reasons that you mention. i was hoping you could have some recommendations. however, i understand this may come outside your realm of expertise. on with my google search then. thanks a lot.


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