
I’m positive, which countries can I work in?

I’m looking for a teaching job abroad but I am hiv positive. Which countries can I get a work visa for without medical examinations?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Please see the following link:  Here you’ll find the countries that don’t have an issue with positive people, as well as the ones that do. Your status won’t be an issue in the EU or the States.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Faridah. this is a service about HIV treatment. Please see:

  2. Faridah

    Can I work in Canada I’m HIV positive I’m from Uganda

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Max, i-Base are for treatment Qs and the best link about visas and travel is:

    This page on Taiwan shows that HIV is not an entry problem:

    Employment law is different and also shouldn’t ask about HIV any more. So this information might be out of date – or it might not be legal.

    Can you or a firend contact the company anonymously to ask, without it affecting your application.

    In the UK there are very few jobs where you can’t be HIV positive and most of those are actually okay so long as you are on effective treatment.

  4. Max

    I’m planning to work in Taiwan as a language teacher. Recently, I got a job offer and contract. However, upon reading the contract, it explicitly tells the below information:
    ARTICLE VI - TERMINATION AND EFFECT OF CONTRACT (2) After his/her entry to R.O.C., failing medical check-up or being found to be
    suffering from tuberculosis, venereal disease, infectious disease, malaria or
    HIV-positive anti-bodies, and drug addiction, as evidenced by findings from
    a public hospital designated by R.O.C. government.
    (3)During the period of employment, being found out suffering HIV positive
    antibody or other disease, heavily wounded or stool parasite, which cannot
    be cured within one month.

    After reading the contract, I’m losing hope and my self-esteem reached rock bottom. I HATE MY SITUATION.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Mary, i-Base is in the UK and is focused on HIV treatment.

    For info about travel and visas in other countries please see

  6. Mary

    Can I work in Canada am hiv positive from Kenya

  7. Josh Peasegood

    HI Vy, there are no restrictions in Germany for PLWH.

    You can use this link to see any HIV regulations: It also lists other HIV charities based in Germany for which you can contact.

  8. Vy

    Are there restrictions for plwh for long term stay in Germany

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jovi, yes you can work in the UK. There are no restrictions in the UK for people living with HIV. Treatment is free regardless of residency status and your status will not be a barrier to employment.

  10. Jovi

    Can i go en work in UK if am HIV positive I live in Uganda


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